Monday, September 30, 2019
Biography of al Capone
The most interesting man in the history of Chicago's underworld would most probably be the man nicknamed â€Å"Scarface†. This â€Å"scarface†gained notoriety because of his exploits and violence in the streets of Chicago. A man who started as a mediocre Italian boy growing up in Brooklyn and becoming arguably the most popular Mob boss in the whole of the United States, Al Capone was a superstar of the crime world. Producing magnanimous amounts of money all the way up, his richness was unparalleled during his time. It is his wealth, criminal activities, fame and fortune that put Al Capone on the international map.Up until today, he has been an interesting subject due to his controversial actions and enviable wealth that was produced by illegal business activities. Al Capone's rap sheet goes on and on. He was arrested for violating traffic rules, owning a prostitution den, and also for disorderly conduct which were all dismissed. Capone was also arrested for voting frau d, and twice for a suspicion of murder where hew was discharged. He also served time in Pennsylvania for carrying a concealed weapon and was fined in Illinois for the same accusation. (Lorizzo, 2003).But the crime that convicted this infamous crime boss was tax evasion. His yearly income is interesting enough to discuss. AL CAPONE To further understand Al Capone, this paper includes a background about the man. The following paragraphs discusses the life and times of the infamous scarface, Al Capone. Named Alphonse Capone, he was given birth in Brooklyn, New York during the year 1899. Being born with Italian parents namely Gabriele and Teresa, Al was brought to the United States due to his parents migrating from Italy. During 1917, he was hired as a bouncer in Coney Island' Harvard Inn.He was caught in a fight. This was the cause of the three scars on his face which earned him his nickname. After quitting his job a couple of years later, during 1921, Capone went to Chicago and worked for Johnny Torrio. He was 22 and recruited as a bootlegger. After the passing of the National Prohibition Act during the year 1920, Torrio became one of the persons who set up an illegal alcohol business. Capone's first job was to persuade people to but the illegal alcohol of Torrio. After three years, Al Capone was promoted as manager and became a business partner of Johnny Torrio.After a while, he took over the business. Capone operated 161 illegal drinking establishments and grew into a policy of using violence just to seize the competition. The wealth he had conquered due to these illegal activities and killings made Al Capone a superstar in the crimeworld, almost feared by most men. A series of massacres was undertaken by Capone's gang. One of which was the most notorious St. Valentine's Day Massacre. During February 14, 1929, dressed in police uniforms, Capone's men created a diversion as if they were really police officers.The place was a building and headquarters of George â€Å"Bus†Moran, who is also a bottlegger, and his North Side gang. It was reported that two machine guns and two shotguns were used to kill the men. 150 bullets was the total that Capone fired into the victims. Killed were six from Moran's gang and one was an unlucky friend. Capone having an alibi, said that during the massacre he was in Florida. Just a few were convicted and arrested of the murderers during the period of Capone. The likes of him were capable to manipulate people especially the police and also the potential witnesses by using bribery.Many cases were evaded by Capone but during June 5, 1931 he was indicted 22 counts of tax evasion. During the October 6, he was found guilty on 5 counts of tax evasion. His appeals were denied during May 3 of 1932 and by that year also, he began to serve his time in the Atlanta Penitentiary. After a few years, exactly August 19, 1934, Capone was transferred to Alcatraz. During 1939, he was also moved to Terminal Island, south o f Los Angeles. On the 8th of November the same year, Capone was transferred to Lewisburg Penitentiary in Pennsylvania. He paroled on the 16th of November. During 1939, Capone was diagnosed with Syphilis.In January of 1945, Al Capone became as one of the initial civilians who got penicillin treatment due to syphilis. During the twenty-fifth of January, 1947, Alphonse Capone died. (Lorizzo, 2003). Al Capone became a very affluent man. It was believed that during the 1920s' Capone payed $20,000 for an automobile, which during that time was a huge amount of money. His wealth and notoriety launched his popularity but it was also the cause of his demise. â€Å"After pouring over his outlays for foods and services from 1926 to 1929 and adding in his fixed possessions, they cam up with about $165,000 of taxable income.Given the assumption that Capone was taking in up to $100 million some years, the amount seemed trivial. Yet it made the case against Capone possible. The legality of such a net worth case was still to be decided by the Supreme Court. †(Lorizzo, p. 76, 2003). CONCLUSION Al Capone was a man who changed the scene of the underworld of crime and violence. He walked the earth as a notorious and feared man of high rank. There was even an estimation that he had incomes of $60,000,000 for alcohol, $25,000. 000 from gambling establishments, $10,000,000 from other rackets and another $10,000,000 for vices.It was also claimed that â€Å"Scarface†employed over 600 gangsters just to defend his business from other counterpart gangs. A lot can be said about Capone, affluent, violent, intelligent and a lot more. But the most appropriate definition of Al Capone would be, is that he was a man of character. Whether a bad guy, he rose to fame and still is an interesting personality until today. WORKS CITED Lorizzo, Luciano. Al Capone: A Biography. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2003. http://foia. fbi. gov/foiaindex/capone. htm http://www. chicagohs. org/hist ory/capone. html http://www. umich. edu/~eng217/student_projects/nkazmers/thelaw1. html
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Develop Professional Relationships with Young People
Outcome 1 Due to my job role in guidance and welfare, it is not often that I am in a situation where I have a whole groups needs to think about. Much of my work is designed on a 1:1 basis, arranging time frames when I can dedicate a set amount of time to one young person to discuss their current needs and situations. However when I have been in a class situation with students, I tend to move from one young person to another throughout the lesson. I would spent 2-3 minutes working 1:1 with a pupil, working through their current task with them, ensuring they understand the work and can complete a task unaided.I would then check that they could complete the next set of answers or understand their next task and then move onto another pupil. After three or four 1:1 tasks, I would then address a table group, to check that everyone is still on task and understands what they are doing. I would then resume 1:1, returning to pupils with a higher need throughout this process to keep them on tra ck and ensure they were receiving the support they require. It is important to maintain regular input with the whole group, as well as addressing individual’s needs.This means that the whole group can stay on task and be focused as well as including every pupil in that lesson in their education. Outcome 2 Effective communication is the best way to build a positive relationship with a young person. Spoken word and body language are everyday forms of communication between people, but one we most often take for granted. Body language is probably the most important way of expressing how we feel and making someone else understand what we want to tell them. It is important to use the correct body language, give clear signals and make young people feel comfortable.I would always lower my height to that of a young person’s so that I can use direct eye contact whilst talking to them. This will help to put them at ease, as they are not being stood over by an adult. If a person i s angry or upset, this also communicates that there is no threat coming from me and that I am there to listen to them, and am interested in what they need/want to say. Spoken word should be clear and positive. Use language that the young person will understand and check for acknowledgment of what you have said. When giving instruction, ask them to repeat back what you have asked them to do, this is an effective method of checking nderstanding and confirming key points. Show that you are listening, nod your head, and acknowledge emotion, â€Å"I can see that you are angry or upset†. Paraphrase information to check your understanding and show that you are listening to what they are saying. This will build confidence in the young person to communicate with you. 2:1 – There may be times when how you communicate will need to be different; you may be dealing with situations where specific needs will require you to adapt your communication skills further: * The age of the you ng person, * The situation you are in, The personal development of the young person, * Language or Physical Barriers to communication. When dealing with such situations, clear thought should be given to how you chose to communicate. Adapt language to suit the understanding of the young person. If required use sign language or images to explain work or communication. Show that you are listening, by using positive body language and clarifying key points, or summarizing to ensure you have heard and understood properly. Try not to make assumptions either, let the young person explain, engage with the information they are telling you.If you are dealing with a situation where you think another side of the story may also have taken place, ask them, â€Å"what about this? †or â€Å"I heard that †¦. Can you explain? †this will give the young person the chance to explain and reflect on their choices, and also build up trust in you because you don’t jump to conclusi ons. If communication is planned, i. e. a meeting or mentoring session and you are aware of barriers to communication, plan before hand. For example, when dealing with a young person or adult who does not speak English as their first language, plan how you can effectively communicate.Do you require an interpreter? Can you use a computer to interpret language between you? Case Study – I have had to use Google systems before to speak with a child who spoke no English at all, when dealing with a situation that happened during lunch. This then led to me using our Sims system to show photos of pupils so she could identify children who she did not know. A letter was then translated to send home so that parents could be informed of what had happened. Translated texts are also a common use of communication between our school and some parents when English is not their first language.Thought should also be given to the environment in which the communication is taking place, if you are in a noisy place or a public area, it may be better to take the conversation to a quieter or more private place. If a meeting space is required, ensure the room is cool, there is adequate seating, all of which is on the same level, and that exits are clearly visible and accessible, ask if they are ok for you to close the door before you do so, or leave the door slightly ajar, it reduces the anxiety of being closed in and feeling vulnerable, it will also help to safeguard both yourself and the pupil/parent.The most important key to all communication is positive interaction. SMILE, talk clearly and calmly and give time for young people to digest information and respond accordingly. Don’t be afraid to correct a young person if their language or reaction is not acceptable and if a situation requires, don’t be afraid to walk away, but let the young person know you will be returning to them to talk. Outcome 3 Effective communication between adult to young person and adult to adult is not actually that different. The key points still apply to any person you have a form of communication with: 1. Smile! 2. Show Positive Body Language, . Talk clearly, calmly but assertively, 4. Show active listening, 5. Show acknowledgement for emotions and 6. Confirm understanding. As adult’s we are more aware of situations and differences and how that can effect communication. I would like to think that working within the education system also gives us a good knowledge of how best to deal with this. Cultural and social differences require some understanding of what will make the communication most effective. Will there be any barriers to understanding or language? Would two members of staff (one male, one female) have a more positive effect or make communication easier?Is there any confidentiality or child protection concerns based on the cultural or social difference of the adults involved? (Especially if discussing their child). Thought would need to be given to such barriers and ensuring you adapt communication appropriately. The situation of the communication can be the biggest variant, as meetings are not always planned or parents can arrive at the school unannounced. Conflict could be the cause of the communication taking place, which would therefore present a more challenging situation to adapt to. However for all these circumstances the basic positive interaction would still apply.The six key points above would ensure that you stayed focus, that effective communication could take place and that adults would feel that they could trust you to communicate fairly with them. Even if you disagree on something, effective communication will still build trust between you. 3:1 – There may be situations where you don’t have all the answers required or are able to offer the support needed. It would be in these situations where you could refer an adult to either: * Another member of staff, either more appropriate to the subject (spe cific subject teacher) or Senior Leadership. In house support staff, (Guidance & Welfare, or SEN) * Information on another service to contact who could offer more appropriate support or advice. Doing this would ensure that you are offering all the support and guidance that you can to an adult, you are confirming that you have listened and understood the individual’s needs and you have provided them with further support. Case Study – An unannounced adult complaint, I was called to reception because a member of the public had arrived demanding to speak with the headmaster. He was very angry because of an incident which had happened on the bus that morning. I escorted the gentleman to an office which had easy access due to his disability, and apologized for the fact that some of our pupils had behaved so badly. I then asked him to explain to me exactly what had happened on the bus; Some young people wearing our uniform had been rude to him and had purposely knocked his le g whilst sitting on the bus, after he had explained to them that his leg was pinned and he was unable to bend or move it, which was why he was sitting at the back of the bus. What had enraged him more was whilst sitting in reception the same group of boys had walked past; recognized him and then ran off laughing.I confirmed key points and wrote them down. As he did not know names, we then used the Sims system to look through photos, so that he could identify the pupils involved. I also wrote these onto the statement. I then discussed what our next actions would be and assured him that a member of the Guidance Team would be in touch at the end of the day to inform him of what had been done. His contact details were taken and I escorted him back to reception, commenting that the majority of our students are very well behaved and polite and that I was sorry he had had a poor experience of some of our pupils.As arranged, my colleague who dealt with the pupils in question, called him bac k to inform him of what had been done and ask if anything else was required of the school for him. This was a conflict situation which was dealt with promptly and effectively, leaving the gentlemen in question with a positive experience of dealing with staff at our school, and knowing that behavior is addressed appropriately and effectively by staff. Outcome 4 Too often you hear adults say to a child â€Å"Do as I say, not as I do†.I however feel this is not the most productive way to teach young people how to be responsible people. Every adult has a part to play in being a role model for the younger generation, whether you are a parent, relative or just an adult in the street. If young people see us behaving in a certain way, they will see that as being acceptable and will behave accordingly. As the adults in society it is our responsibility to teach others what being a positive role model and member of society means.Within the school setting, I find that I have adopted the guidance role in my manor when dealing with all pupils. I do not instruct pupils to do things, I not TELL them to behave a certain way. I aim to guide them into making the right choices. I treat all pupils fairly, I do not shout or raise my voice at people, and I do not use inappropriate language or actions towards people (both staff and pupils). I aim to treat people as I would expect to be treated myself, and have high expectations in this!If a young person is not compliant, I will offer choices and give clear instruction as to what each choice will lead to. It is then up to the pupils to choose their path and face whatever consequence comes from that choice. If a pupil is using inappropriate language or behavior I will address them by stating that is not the correct way to behave and thank you for not continuing to act that way. (this may need repeating! ) However being a good role model is not just about being the ‘perfect’ human being all the time. That is impossib le!Young people need to learn that all adults are people, we have bad days, days when we feel ill or tired or angry, just the same as them. The important thing is that we teach them how to behave when we are feeling like that or put in situations where we have to deal with others who feel like that. It is teaching them that it is ok to be angry, but there are still some things you can’t do, like physical violence or shouting/swearing at people. It is ok to make mistakes, but learn from them and apologize if you have done something wrong.I often talk behaviours through with young people. â€Å"Is it ok to behave like that? †they will often respond â€Å"No†. Ask them â€Å"what should you do in that situation? †9 times out of 10 they can actually give you a decent answer, if they struggle, again give two options and ask them to choose which would be the best. This gives them ownership over their decisions but also teaches then the understanding of conseq uences for actions and choosing to make the right decisions.Being a good role model is about being a positive member of society, having manors, saying please and thank you as a matter of normality and teaching people to be responsible for their own actions, both positive and negative. If young people see the adults around behave like this all the time, they too will make the right choices and grown into positive citizens with high expectations of themselves and what they achieve. 4:1 – One would like to think that working within the education system that all the adults you work with have a like mind when it comes to working with young people and values.Encouraging adults to have positive relationships with young people, works much the same way as encouraging young people to have positive relations with each other. Leading by example is the best way to teach people how to treat each other, but sometimes it requires more than this. Mediation can be a good way of helping to rest ore negative relationships between staff and pupils, it gives them a chance to explain things to each other, reflect and restore trust in their relationship.Sometimes it can become necessary for staff to exchange helpful information with each other about how best to work with particular students. Some staff may have certain tactic that they find work well with a specific young person and can encourage other staff to use them to enhance their working relationship with the pupil in lessons. Outcome 5 All policies and procedures are clearly set out in our staff handbook, which is reviewed and republished at the beginning of each school year (September).All staff have access to this through the intranet and paper copies are kept by our DHR. Sharing information is encouraged and necessary for effective communication within school, weekly briefing meetings are held for all staff to share information and fortnightly Inclusion meeting are held to keep staff up to date with key pupils and st rategies. Confidential information is shared between key staff members: Staff information is handled by out DHR and their Line Manager, Pupil information would be dealt with by guidance and welfare staff.Staff who have a concern about a pupil, would report this to the guidance and welfare department, this would then be dealt with accordingly between the department. If child protection concerns are highlighted, this information would be passed to the Designated C. P Officers, Mr. Cooley-Greene and Mrs. Godfrey (Myself), we would then liaise between each other and our Senior Officer Miss Greenhalgh. Staff information is kept on file by the DHR, and only she has access to this information, all staff queries are dealt with by Mrs.Beynon and she is responsible for ensuring that data is protected and stored correctly. Pupil information is stored on the school Sims system. All staff have access to the information on this system, but only specific staff have access to edit or view certain p arts of the system. All C. P Files are stored in a separate file, which is password protected and a locked file. Contact details and parents information can be seen by any staff, but only edited by reception staff, all staff are aware that no information should be given out to other parents or pupils.The Sims system is password accessed so only staff who have been given access to the school system can view this information. Information is shared and reported in many different ways depending on the content. Informal concerns, or non-confidential information is usually reported through staff verbally or through email. Once the information has been dealt with a communication log on Sims, or an track of emails will be saved into the pupils file in the guidance drive. This information can be accessed by all staff and be shown to a parent in required.More significant information is often still share verbally, but in confidence, a significant event sheet, will them be completed and auction ed and again saved to the pupils file. Child protection information would be disclosed verbally to a C. P Officer, and all relevant paperwork completed and auctioned, saved either electronically in password protected files or on paper, stored in a locked C. P file. Information regarding staff would be dealt with in much the same way, again dependant on content but reported to the appropriate Line Manager or DHR.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Mangerial Accounting Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Mangerial Accounting Assignment - Essay Example Amount of any write-down value of inventories that can be recognized as expense for the period A further disclosure of the reversal or write down made to Net Realizable Value. The firm should also disclose the circumstance that led to such reversal Carrying Amount of inventories pledged as security for liabilities Cost of inventories recognized as expenses: This includes operating costs recognized by the nature of cost like raw materials and consumables, labour costs and other operating costs. These operating costs are classified on the basis of nature of the costs and the amount of net change in inventories for the period. (b) Sylvester Sales Limited: Gross Profit under Marginal Costing: Details Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Production Units 240,000 300,000 180,000 Sales Units 200,000 200,000 200,000 Price per Unit 26 26 26 Sales Value 5,200,000 5,200,000 5,200,000 Variable Costs: Direct Material and Labour costs 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 Variable Overheads 800,000 800,000 800,000 Total Variable Costs 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 Contribution 3,200,000 3,200,000 3,200,000 Fixed Manufacturing Costs 800,000 800,000 800,000 Gross Profit 2,400,000 2,400,000 2,400,000 Gross Profit under Absorption Costing: Details Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Production Units 240,000 300,000 180,000 Sales Units 200,000 200,000 200,000 Price per Unit 26 26 26 Sales Value 5,200,000 5,200,000 5,200,000 Direct Material and Labr Costs...Inventories include assets representing fixed assets held for sale in the ordinary course of business, assets in the production process for sale in the ordinary course of business representing the work in process and materials and supplies that are consumed in production which covers the raw materials. In the valuation of stock, the standard cost and retail methods can be adopted. The only condition prescribed under the regulation is that the method of measuring the cost should result in approximate actual cost of the inventory measured. For items that are interchangeable the regulations allows the First in First out (FIFO) method or Weighted Average Cost methods. However the regulation discontinued the measurement of inventory under Last in First out (LIFO) method. Cost of inventories recognized as expenses: This includes operating costs recognized by the nature of cost like raw materials and consumables, labour costs and other operating costs. These operating costs are classified on the basis of nature of the costs and the amount of net change in inventories for the period. The year-wise gross profit figures as indicated in the marginal costing system shows identical profits irrespective of the different production levels.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Individual theories of delinquency Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Individual theories of delinquency - Essay Example The choice theories have their basis on criminology classical school. The main emphasize here is on one’s potential to come up with certain choices. According to these theories, delinquency and various antisocial behaviour results from different traits and processes that are biological such as the dysfunction of the brain and several others. The psychological theories just like the choice theories mainly traces the delinquency causes on different factors in an individual. However, the key focus is mainly on the individual’s intelligence, temperament and juvenile personality. According to Siegel and Welsh (2010), the first explanation of crime was that individuals make various choices with regard to their behaviour. The assumption was that every individual has the free will in choosing behaviour and that those who opt to violate the law were driven mainly by their own greed, survival, vengeance or even morals. Cesare Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham who were utilitarian philosophers argued that in most cases individuals consider their action’s consequences before making any move on behaviour course. The scholars’writings formed the ancient classical criminology basis. Currently it is known as the rational choice theory. Choice theory assumption is that individual’s behaviour is a consequence that is directly linked to one’s conscious decisions either to be involved or not in a specific behaviour. According to the criminology classical school, the juveniles are people who are rational and intelligent with great potential to come up with different choices. Hence, this theory insists that before any action, young individuals calculate their behaviours costs and benefits. This theory further adds that crime is the outcome of supposing that greater gains will result from disobeying the law rather than following it. In most
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Consumer behaviour and marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Consumer behaviour and marketing - Essay Example Generally, marketing to such a consumer base has to be made depending upon certain strategies. However, in an era of globalisation, serving consumers worldwide is what most marketers and producers have to do. Global consumer culture hence implies, the expansion of businesses and organisations all over the world in order to serve people belonging to different cultural backgrounds (Arnould, 2009, p. 3). Such a strategy involves a huge research to study the innate characteristics of consumers and this is where the importance of the present research lies. Outline In this era of globalisation, the concept ‘Global Consumer Culture’ has its own significance. It would not be wrong to say that the multinational organisations have to invest money as well as time to frame up strategies for each of their destination countries. Global consumer culture is a relief for them to let them think the world as a global village and a single market. However, evidences show there are a number o f obstacles resisting the spread of this concept. The segment ‘Global Consumer Culture: The Limitations of the Concept’ has discussed these points taking reference from books and journals. At the end, a conclusion has been inferred from the discussion and analysis, carried in the earlier segments. The analysis and evaluation section is primarily associated with the different kinds of consumers that the marketers have to deal with and the strategies that they adopt to handle each according to their cultural backgrounds. Global Consumer Culture: The Limitations of the Concept â€Å"Consumer culture can be defined as a social arrangement in which the relations between the [lived cultural experience of everyday life] and social resources, between meaningful [valued] ways of life and the symbolic and material resources on which they depend, is mediated through markets†(University of Wyoming, n.d., p.1). Consumer culture is a system, in which the behaviours found in t he consumption process and in all times and places it is dominated by the consumption of commercial products. This also enables the transmission of existing cultural values, norms and habitual ways of doing things from generation to generation. The consumer behaviour is largely influenced by the free personal choice in the private arena of daily lives. In this modern era, the consumer culture is no longer governed by tradition rather it is more influenced by instability in the economy. Globalisation culture positioning is a strategy, used to cover various consumer segments emerging with the global consumer culture (Warren, 2009). As the globalisation has spread its wings; companies do not bother to cross the boundaries of the countries. In such a case, global consumer culture is driven by the expansion of the organisations and its marketing principles across the globe. In theoretical terms, global culture can be described as the process wherein the global consumers would be united i n way to make this world as a single market place. As per Belk, introduction of global culture would lead to homogenisation of global consumption. Global consumer culture facilitates the same consumption behaviour of the consumers, which means that consumers in every corner would have the opportunity to eat the same food items, wear the same fashionable clothes, drive the same types of cars, watch the same television programs, stay
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Urban Planning Perspectives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Urban Planning Perspectives - Essay Example Today 'community' is another name for paradise lost but for a paradise which we still hope to find, as we feverishly search for the roads that may lead us there.†Bauman, Z., 2001, Seeking Safety in an insecure world, Cambridge: Polity Press, pp.1-3 1. Discuss with reference to recent Labour and current Liberal/ Conservative coalition policy initiatives in the fields of neighbourhood regeneration and planning. The property-led urban regeneration that has dominated urban policy during the Thatcher governments was characterised by the removal of many constraints to corporate investment in cities, including the minimisation of local government and community involvement in planning and other regulatory controls. Despite the decades of urban policy, a prominent feature of British cities appeared the stark inequalities between rich and poor neighbourhoods with significant differences in terms of deprivation, levels of mortality, crime, educational attainment, or per capita income; wh ich have particularly been in relation to ethnic and other, geographically segregated and socially excluded groups (Imrie and Raco, 2003, pp. 3-4). Not surprisingly therefore, the Labour came to power in 1997 with a highly ambitious bid â€Å"to regenerate Britain’s cities by recourse to social inclusion, neighbourhood renewal and community involvement†(Imrie and Raco, 2003, p.4). ... d Renewal Fund (NRF) provided nearly 3 billion pounds to some of the most deprived authorities in England, perhaps the most significant initiative operated by the NRU became the New Deal for Communities (NDC). The idea behind the NDC partnerships has been to produce a local response to five key indicators of social deprivation – unemployment, educational under-achievement, crime, poor health and housing, and the physical environment, although the NDCs were lacking major resources for large-scale rebuilding programmes (Jones and Evans, 2008, p.20). The critical reception NDCs have received was due to intentions and actions being at cross purposes – as the targets have been set locally, the locally agreed targets were subsequently rejected at national level. The creation of Local Strategic Partnerships (LSP) – being run by representatives from partner organisations, like local authorities, local police authorities, alongside health and education sectors, etc. - is believed to have further reinforced the tension in community policy; while the NDCs are targeted to specific areas, the LSPs take a larger-scale overview. On the other hand, being considered a low profile and with tendency to take credit away from elected politicians, the local community-led initiatives have been overshadowed by prestigious projects like the ‘Northern Way’ - a strategy for regional development in the North of England, published in 2004 (Goodchild and Hickman, 2006, pp.121-133). During the economic downturn in 2008, a gradual reduction in resource for and attention on policy initiatives has been compounded, and reached its peak at the announcement of the Comprehensive Spending Review in October 2010 (Broughton, K., Berkeley, N. and Jarvis, D., 2011, pp.85-86). The dramatic change in
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
General Motors and AvtoVaz of Russia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
General Motors and AvtoVaz of Russia - Essay Example However, GM could not market their automobiles at this price even though the company had employed different tactics on manufacturing and distribution. Similarly, AvtoVAZ, the largest automobile producer in Russia, had been struggling with sales declines due to product quality issues and tax evasion allegations. In addition, the firm had no sufficient capital to rebuild their business although it had innovative product designs including Niva. Hence, either GM or AvtoVAZ was not in a position to develop and market the Niva without an external assistance. At this juncture, they jointly decided to integrate AvtoVAZ’s domestic market dominance with GM’s technical expertise and market repute. Evidently, the proposed Joint venture (JV) is potential for both organizations. This JV strategy will certainly add value to GM’ global expansion vision since Russia is a potential emerging market. From the case study, it is clear that GM failed to operate successfully in Russian market even though it had practiced the traditional emerging market approach of manufacturing complete cars in its own plants and reassembling the deassembled parts in Russia with local labor. The main cause of failure of GM in Russian market was low income levels of Russians that forced the company to fix extremely cheaper prices for its products. If GM operates its plants in Russia, it can avoid shipping charges and import duties and ultimately use the economies of domestic production to set affordable prices for Russian customers. Furthermore, AvtoVAZ is the most leading player in Russian automobile industry although it currently struggles with some quality issues. Therefore, the JV will assist GM to take advantages of widespread business territories as well as deep Russian market experience of AvtoVAZ. In addition, the national distribution network established by the AvtoVAZ dealers will be beneficial for the GM to skip from the difficulty of developing a dealer network from scr atch. Hence, the proposed integration would promote value creation, a process of identifying competitive alternatives to trim down costs and thereby to provide maximum benefits to customers. Many of the economists hold the view that business integration would contribute to value creation due to operational efficiencies from an internal market and selection of distributors and suppliers (Means of corporate strategy, slide 6). Likewise, the case background clearly points out that it would be very difficult for the firm to compete in Russian automobile market. The Russian automobile sector noticeably lagged behind other huge players in the industry even though the Russian government had specifically focused on the industry’ modernization and development. The case report reflects that the Russian automobile industry’s â€Å"inadequate capital, poor infrastructure, and deep-seated mismanagement and corruption resulted in outdated, unreliable, and unsafe automobiles†(â€Å"General Motors and†¦:, 2). In addition, the instability of Russian economy often causes problems to automobile manufactures as a result of unexpected tax impositions and changes in regulations. Intense political issues in Russia adversely affected the sustainable growth of the country’s automobile industry. Increased rate of defects in new cars was another issue, which persuaded the people to boycott Russian made automobiles. Finally, higher crime rates in the country forced the foreign marketers and
Monday, September 23, 2019
Children of Heaven Film Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Children of Heaven Film Analysis - Essay Example In doing so the film also shows that the children look out for each other. Although Zahra could have gone to her parents and reported the entire incident but she chooses to defend her brother by cooperating with him. The familial coherence depicted in the film represents a culture defined by a strong family institution. Alternatively it may also be argued that poverty stricken circumstances force people to look out for each other in small groups such as families. However either way a strong family institution cannot be denied in Iranian culture. Other than the issues of frugality and a closely knit family, the film’s settings warrant a lot of attention. The film contrasts the dwellings and neighborhoods of the poor and the affluent in modern Tehran where the film has been shot. The inner city where the family resides dates back to medieval times and is a hallmark of congestion and urban sprawl. Generations after generations have grown up in the same houses that are placed toge ther in thin streets. As families expand, there is demand for more and more living space. However the closely knit family structure demands that a consanguine family arrangement must persist even in terms of living. Given the shortage of space these old houses cannot be expanded vertically so to deal with a larger family’s accommodation problems, the only real solution is to build upwards. There is of course a limit to how high these buildings can be constructed - not due to regulatory requirements but rather due to flimsy construction techniques in use. These houses are built by placing walls that are then covered using roofs using largely bricks and cement only. This mandates that these buildings cannot be expanded more than a few storeys’ high (generally two to three storey’s high only). When the inner city depicted in the film is analyzed it is immediately apparent that the buildings are not more than two to three storey’s high and are placed together one after the other. The high demand for housing space in an already constrained area means that there is no concept of gardens or small green patches to make the environment a little better. Instead any small spaces that could have been used for vegetation are also occupied or merged into housing spaces. Furthermore the high demand for housing means that any open spaces that would have been reserved for civic purposes such as parks have also been occupied to build houses. Throughout the entire film there are no parks or other civic facilities shown in the inner city which in turn indicates that the people living in the inner city have little chances for recreation. Socially this would also lead to other problems such as the use of drugs but this has not been depicted by the film because its intended audience is mainly children. The hap hazardous placement of houses together in such a fashion means that markets are not planned features of such settlements. However there is little d enying that markets would still be required so alternative make shift arrangements can be expected. When Ali goes to the cobbler, the film provides a glimpse into the market based arrangement in the inner city in Tehran. The cobbler can be seen sitting in the middle of a street crossing (popularly known as a â€Å"chowk†in South East Asia) while other vendors and peddlers are also available nearby. The cobbler is depicted occupying a part of the street to secure his work area. Other than the cobbler there are a number
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Modern Latin America Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Modern Latin America - Assignment Example Poor performance of economic growth and the stagnant status of economy have forced many Latin American nations to refuse Free Trade Agreement of America even at the verge of losing some of the foreign –trade benefits from the United States. Research experts have documented the elements of colonial legacy in the history of Latin American nations. Latin American nations have shown their willingness to share a common past of colonialism, freedom struggle, racial discrimination, poverty, political instability and foreign interferences. Analysing the economic growth of Central American nations like Costa Rica one can comprehend that the implementation of Free Trade Agreement failed to enrich Costa Rica’s economic growth. Colonial legacies in Latin American nations tried to learn the negative side of Free Trade Agreement because America considers the FTA as a political instrument than economic affair. As Eduardo Dimas points out, â€Å"the more FTAs are signed and approved, the more difficult the economic unity of Latin America will be, and the greater will be the ability of the U.S. government to torpedo that unity†(Dimas). It is therefore significant that Latin American nations learn more about the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) of America because its refusal creates serious problems for the nation’s growth.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Procter & Gamble Essay Example for Free
Procter Gamble Essay Proctor and Gamble Co. is sending video crews run by a small research firm in London, Everyday Lives, Ltd. , into about 80 homes worldwide to record peoples daily routines in the name of marketing research. PG believes that some people have selective memory in focus groups and interviews, and some insights into consumer behavior may be lost. Camera crews will arrive at the participants home when they wake up and not leave until they go to bed for a duration of four days. Cameras may not be manned at all times, and bedroom and bathroom activities will not be recorded. Families will be paid an undisclosed amount for their participation. PG wants to solve problems that their shoppers may not have known they had. For example, marketers discuss multitasking habits while watching a woman in Thailand make breakfast, feed her baby, and watch television simultaneously. The study will initially take place in the UK, Germany, and China since there are such major growth opportunities overseas. Project risks include people behaving abnormally in front of the cameras, local privacy laws, searching hours of videotape for ideas, and producing successful products. PG’s goal is to maintain a huge video library that can be organized by key words, and will give a global perspective on something as simple as eating snacks. By stepping into the homes and lives of their audience PG has found a way to have up to date information on the routine habits of the population of their target market and develop an intimate relationship with them by making themselves a part of the daily rituals that no one other then the individual may see. They will even be able to observe the innate actions that a person may not even realize they do. Market conditions are continuously changing and having this live information will give PG the sufficient knowledge to develop a successful marketing strategy. They will also benefit by being able to see other products the families are buying to gain a perspective of the average budget people are able to afford for similar goods. In the past this obtrusive plan of watching a persons’ every move would have been seen as crossing a line, or illegal, and participants would be hesitant to partake. The plan fits into modern society trends, however, where reality shows are amongst the highest rated programs on television. The intrusion is now acceptable, and even seen as somewhat glamorous, especially when a monetary transaction is involved. In my opinion, PG will have a laborious task ahead of them, but the information from this market research has the prospect of yielding a host of innovative convenience products and goods.
Friday, September 20, 2019
The Davao Death Squad
The Davao Death Squad Davao City would be a good example of an ideal city, a city that has been under the hands Mayor Duterte for about 10 yrs. Under his name, the Davao City has improved in terms of crime rates, discipline and other aspects. While he was the mayor of the city, it was said that he was involved in the death squad that was responsible for killings that was happening then. The Davao Death Squad is an active vigilante group in Davao City, Philippines. Reports have shown that they have been responsible for the summary killings that were happening in Davao City for the past few years. Reports said that they were responsible for executing drug traffickers and all criminal actions in Davao City. Rodrigo Duterte being the mayor at that time was a prime suspect of the death squad. He was said to be liable of the killings of the squad. Drug dealers, criminals with intense crime, and other illegal trading were assassinated. Many of the victims purportedly had criminal records, giving rise to suspicions that the so called Davao Death Squad were behind their deaths. If the Davao Death Squad would continue, crime rate would be lower, innocent lives would be protected, and the value of life would be strengthened. Counterclaims Promotes death penalty In fact, death penalty is a good way to control the crime rates and illegal transaction. If there is death penalty, there would be no death squad. Death squad aims to assassinate illegal citizens who commit crime in the city. If there is death penalty, the death squad would have no use because the death squad is promoting death penalty. So both are on the same side and are on the same page. Life is indeed precious, and I believe the death penalty helps to affirm that fact which makes the death squad in the same line with death penalty. Decline of Tourism Ever since the Davao Death Squad has been investigated, the tourism of Davao City was not affected. The Death Squad is not something that every tourist should know about Davao City. Davao City is well known for its peace and order. It is known to be in good hands of Mayor Duterte. If people would come visit Davao, theres nothing to worry about being assassinated by the Death Squad unless if that person is bringing illegal transaction in the city. Actually, it was stated that the tourism of Davao City has increased since 1998 to 2004. If the tourism of Davao would decrease, the death squad has nothing to do with it. The fact that the death squad promotes peace and order, it attracts tourist knowing that the city is safe from crime and illegal deals. Claim Controls the crime and illegal trading The Davao Death Squad has been active ever since the crime rate in Davao City was high. When the death squad became active in the community, criminal activities were less. Knowing that it terminates those who are involved in illegal transactions, it controls the crime and illegal transactions that are happening in Davao City. The death squad assassinates those who are poisoning the city with heavy crime and illegal activities With this kind of scheme, it alarms every citizen of Davao City to be aware of this vigilante group. Fear will help control crime and the illegal transactions of the city. Criminals would just continue to do their thing when sanction is very low like going to jail and still be released soon. The probability of the people to stop and to avoid illegal transactions would be high, knowing that they will be a target of assassination if they would ever proceed with illegal activities. If the death squad will be continued, it would intimidate the criminals and illegal sectors that are within the city thus it controls the crime. Claim Strengthens the value of life through serious justice It strengthens people in the notion that Davao is a city where justice is being taken seriously, however to an excessive point, some may argue. Human rights dont necessarily stand for peace. The death squad only takes down the social deviants. As stated in the reports, the killings of the death squad where all criminal suspects that were involved in a major issue. The individual criminals were just taken to jail, but once an individual is making a lot of mess in the society as a whole, knowing that theyll just get out of jail and do evil things all over again, will be assassinated. Justice is what every city aims to have but justice can never be taken seriously with no serious punishments that would abolish the crimes and illegal entries. Mayor Duterte remains to be a powerful figure of Davao city. He aims to have peace and order in the city. Sources have stated that other higher officials have agreed that Duterte has improved the peace and order of the city in his hands. Nobody knows if he is involved in the death squad but what we know is the death squad has helped Duterte improve the peace of the city. Mayor Duterte explained his perspective in an interview that if you are doing an illegal activity in the city, if you are a criminal or part of a syndicate that preys on the innocent people of the city, for as long as he is the mayor, you are a legitimate target of assassination. Whoever is behind all this, or if it may really be Mayor Duterete, he is justifiable in his conquest for peace. It strengthens the value of life because it has a higher regard for the value of a persons life. Nothing would intimidate the criminals, no other than the death squad. It is similar to how the penalty goes if a person commits a crime. It is by stating the highest penalty for committing a major crime like, taking away of human life, that we establish the highest value of human life. Claim Protects innocent lives There was a woman who works at a gym as a trainer. One early morning, she was walking her way to work when she walked by a small street at the corner, she passed by a small store where there were groups of men who were drunk. The woman was abused with the drunken men. She was then stabbed many times until the woman lost her life. The next week, the drunken men were reported to be assassinated by the death squad. If the drunken men were not put to death by the death squad, it is not an assurance that those men would not kill an innocent life again. Once someone is involved in a serious crime, theres always a time when they will do it again. Innocent lives are at risk if these criminals are outside claiming to be innocent. If guilty lives are being protected, we are bringing innocent lives in the line. If these criminals are put to jail, knowing that they did a serious criminal once, great chance is that theyll do it again after being set out of jail. If these criminals are put to death, there is this assurance that they wont do the same mistake again. First of all, there would be no death squad if crime was taken seriously in the society. Sad to hear that the justice system of a society fails to function which results to the death squad. It could be possible that the public is no longer satisfied with the security system of the city. One of the best ways to guarantee the protection that a society would want is to give surety that convicted murders do not slaughter again. VI. Conclusion Although some may argue that the Davao Death Squad is immoral, they should face the fact that it promotes serious justice and peace in the city. The death squad remains to be a powerful tool in controlling crime, strengthening the value of life, and protecting innocent lives. The death squad has been proven to control the crime rates in the city. It shows that the city does not promote illegal transaction within the borders of the society. There is a higher probability that criminals would get intimidated of the death squad that would avoid them from doing crime. The death squad strengthens the value of life through serious justice. It gives a higher regard for the value of a persons life. By means of stating the highest penalty for committing a serious crime, we establish the highest value of human life. The death squad shuts down criminals to protect innocent lives from harm. It gives that assurance that these criminals will not kill again. The Davao Death squad would have a big im pact in promoting peace and order of Davao City.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Symbolism in Sweat by Zora Neale Hurston Essays -- Hurston Sweat Symbo
Symbolism in Sweat by Zora Neale Hurston "Sweat" by Zora Neale Hurston is filled with symbolism ranging from images that are easily captured to things that require a little bit more insight. Religion has apparently played a major role in Hurston's life, readily seen in "Sweat" with the references to a snake and Gethsemane. Symbolism plays a big part of this story and after analyzing these, they give the story a deeper meaning and can enlighten the reader as to the full meaning of "Sweat". The most apparent symbol in the story is the title, "Sweat". It is also mentioned in the story, "Looka heah, Sykes, you done gone too fur. Ah been married to you fur fifteen years, and Ah been takin' in washin' fur fifteen years. Sweat, sweat, sweat! Work and sweat, cry and sweat, pray and sweat" (Hurston 679). The "Sweat" is the product of Delia's hard work supporting them. It stands for her work ethic and how she has tried to make her work as best as she can, it is a big part of her life. Another easily recognized symbol in this story is that of the snake. "Sykes, what you throw dat whip on me like dat? You know it would skeer me - looks just like a snake, an' you knows how skeered Ah is of snakes" (Hurston 678). The snake is the main symbol in this story, it ties it together because it is mentioned at the beginning of the story and at the end. Sykes decides to bring a snake into their home, "Look in de box dere Delia, Ah done brung yuh somethin'.Syke! Syke, mah Gawd! You tak...
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Evil Iago of Othello Essay -- William Shakespeare, Character Analy
Evil masterminds are always successful in their diabolical schemes, but each one does it in their own special way. Some may be highly ranked and powerful, but some may be simple people in a simple community. In the play Othello, the simple ancient, Iago is very successful at his schemes. Iago is able to get the trust of everyone around him, and to appear honest. He is also driven to continue with his schemes and to never quite. From the first scene of the play to the last, Iago is able to be trusted by everyone. This is one of the many reasons why Iago is so successful in his schemes, he is always trusted. In the first scene of the play we learn that Iago is helping Roderigo, win the love of Desdemona. Roderigo is trusting Iago with his own money to gain the love of a woman, which is already loved by another man. Roderigo is not so smart to realize that he will not be able to get Desdemona, but Iago is able to get his scheme moving. We continue to see how much trust Roderigo puts into Iago because later on in the play we learn that he gave jewelry to Iago to give to Desdemona. Iago...
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
In order for the customers to purchase the Nokia 6600 from the retailer, :: Business Management Studies
In order for the customers to purchase the Nokia 6600 from the retailer, Sales and customer service Task 1 Introduction A sales promotion may be defined as on attempt to create interest in and stimulate sales of a product or service by a non-standard activity in a limited period of time, or with a controlled amount of product (while stocks last) In many ways, a sales promotion is a link between advertising and direct selling. It gives the advertiser an extra benefit to draw to the consumers attention, persuading them to go to the shops, and it allows the manufacturer’s sales person to revitalize the interest of the retailer by having something new to discuss or offer. There are two types of promotion: * Trade promotions- manufacturers promoting to retailers and wholesalers. * Consumer promotions- manufacturers or retailers promoting to the final consumer. I will promote mobile phone Nokia 6600. It is important to understand that sales promotion includes more than just money off voucher on the pocket of a fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) In order for the customers to purchase the Nokia 6600 from the retailer, the latter has had to be persuaded to stock the product in the first place. For this to be achieved, I will have to educate its sales- force on the distinctive selling features of the product, which is Nokia 6600 in order to help it persuade the retailer to stock it. This is picture of Nokia 6600 Components of a sales promotion Firms often refer to promotion above the line and below the line. Above the line promotion is through independent media, such as television or newspapers. These allow firms to reach a wide audience easily. Most advertising is carried out above the line. Some advertising, however, is carried out by methods over which a firm has direct control, such as direct mailing. These and other direct methods of promotion (known as below the line promotion) Below the line promotion allows a firm to aim its marketing at consumers it knows are interested in the product. Above the line advertising in newspaper means that the promotion is seen by most of the readers, even though some will not be interested. With below the line promotions, firms are usually aiming their message at consumers who are either known to them or who have been chosen in advance. For example, direct mail advertisers will pick exactly which consumers they wish to send their mail to, rather than going for blanket coverage. Nokia 6600 sales promotion objectives are: * Increase awareness and interest * Achieve a switch in buying behavior from competitor brands * Incentive consumers of make a purchase of my brand Nokia 6600
Monday, September 16, 2019
The Prevalence of Teenage Suicides Nowadays
During the teen years, adolescents go through many different changes. These changes cause many teens to feel as though they are the only ones that have these feelings and that no one can help them. The teen that develops these types of mentality generally has little help from friends and family to overcome the feelings that could possibly lead to suicide. Suicide is when someone tries to kill himself or herself. Teen suicide is based on the same idea, but it is for people that are teenagers. About 5,000 teenagers kill themselves every year. That makes teen suicide the third leading cause of death for teenagers next to accidents and crime. The thought of killing oneself as a solution for problems at school is common for grade school and college kids. On the grade school side, 9% think of suicide, 2% seriously consider suicide, and 1-% attempts it. On the college side, the numbers multiply by five times. A whopping 43% think about it, 15% seriously consider it, and 5% attempt it (1). The actual number of suicides is higher than the estimated one because they are not classified as suicides. They are classified as accidents or victims of crime. A car that crashed into a tree could be called an accident, but if the car was working perfectly and the driver was not under the influence of drugs or alcohol it would be called a suicide. Young males are five times more likely to commit suicide than young females. Females are more unsuccessful when committing suicide because they are more apt to ingest drugs or cut their wrists. Doctors still have time to save them. On the other hand, boys more commonly hang themselves or jump off tall buildings. The use of firearms in teen suicides is about the same for both sexes. By the time that doctors get to them, they're dead. It has been found that there are more white teenagers than black teenagers who kill themselves; and that teenagers in the western area of the United States are more likely to be suicidal because more people own firearms in the West (2). Teens are in a transitional period between childhood and adulthood, and this can lead to confusion and anxiety at times. Teens with an adequate support network of friends, family, religious affiliation, peer groups, or extracurricular activities may have an outlet to deal with their everyday frustrations. Teens without an adequate support network, however, may feel disconnected and isolated from their family and peer group. It's these teens who are at increased risk for suicide if they are unable to deal with their problems. Sheslow further emphasizes the importance of a support network for teens who have suffered physical or sexual abuse and those who have very poor relationships with their parents. Doctors at the American Psychiatric Association (APA) say that teens considering suicide often face problems that are out of their control -divorce, alcoholism of a family member, or exposure to domestic violence, for example. A family history of depression or suicide is another significant risk factor. Since depressive illnesses may have a genetic component, some teens may be predisposed to suffer major depression. Feelings of helplessness and worthlessness may accompany the depression. Feelings of inadequacy and worthlessness are major risk factors for suicide. A teen, for example, who experiences repeated failures at school, who is overwhelmed by violence at home, who is isolated from peers, or who faces the social stigma of homosexuality alone is likely to experience such feelings. â€Å"If he sees himself as inadequate and worthless and he believes the future is unchangeable, these are clear warning signs of possible trouble,†says Dr. Sheslow (3). Sometimes teens will attempt to numb the pain of those feelings with alcohol or drugs. Substance abuse is a major risk factor for suicide, says the APA, along with the expression of violent feelings (4). There are about five signs for suicide. The first one is depression. They may be depressed about getting an â€Å"F†on their math test or have had a death in the family. The second sign is talking about suicide. They may say things like â€Å"I'm want to kill myself,†or â€Å"You won't have to worry about me much longer.†The third sign is giving some of their most prized possessions away or writing out their will. Some people give away their favorite clothes, stereo systems, or even their cars. The fourth sign is that they start taking extremely dangerous risks. They may go rowing without a life preserver, try to fix electrical appliances by themselves, stop wearing their seat belt, and go driving while they are drunk. The fifth sign for suicide is being unexplainable cheerful or happy. By this time they probably have made up their minds about suicide (5). Anyone can be a victim of teen suicide. It could be the all-star of the football team, the girl who has the cutest guy in school, or the hyper-accelerated really smart kid down the street. Everyone has stress and everyone has to deal with it, but not everyone deals with stress the same way. For example one-person may play a sport to release and relieve their tensions, but another may start being depressed and being self-destructive. As you may see there are many different things involved when talking to teens about suicide. Some of these things involved need to be looked are items such as social stature of the adolescent, if there is apparent substance abuse, and how the child is performing in school. If an adolescent ever contemplates suicide the parent or guardian should immediately seek help. Contrary to popular belief, people who talk about suicide are likely to follow through. Pay attention to phrases such as, â€Å"It's no use, I'd be better off dead.†Also be suspicious if a child who has been very depressed suddenly becomes cheerful or hopeful. This intense mood swing may indicate that he believes suicide will be a solution to all his problems.
An Analysis of Gender and Performance Essay
The most important issue that was tackled in the Good Body of Eve Ensler was society’s definition of an ideal woman figure. The image of a perfect woman, as depicted by the prevalent norms, in the society should be explored because this issue largely affects how women are treated. To some extent, such subject also affects the overall importance of women based on the societal roles they assume. To be specific, the play touched on the concepts of fatness, sexiness, beauty, perfection, and femininity. As shown in the story, beauty was confined to the image of models and Hollywood stars shown in magazines and posters. An ideal woman is a woman possessing a sexy body – particularly a flat stomach. The world of the perfect feminine creature was inclusive to women who are sexy or slim. Anyone who did not possess such characteristic was dismissed as a bad, dirty, or foul creature. Moreover, fat girls suffered from discrimination, intolerance, and sometimes, even violence. Some people even regard them as less of a woman – as if the fat girls belonged to an entirely different gender on their own. Their physical appearance was the basis of their social roles, rights, privileges, and opportunities. In â€Å"the Good Body†, gender was shown as a societal concept which is defined on the basis of the prevalent ideas in the society. Being in a certain gender equates to the â€Å"responsibility†of possessing the gender qualities or rather – the â€Å"gender requirements†. In the case of being a woman, one should possess beauty and sexiness in order to be labeled as â€Å"feminine†. What’s worse about this concept of gender and femininity is the fact that women themselves are willing participants of prejudice in the society. While men prompt women to adhere to the society’s gender requirements, women also force themselves to fit the definitions of beauty and perfection. Women who are suffering from the unfair treatments posed by being fat sometimes thought that they really deserved the discrimination and violence. Most of these victims even hated themselves for being what they are instead of accepting their entirety and loving their body. As a result, their response to discriminations was not of defense – it is a passive acceptance of what was supposedly wrong. Instead of fighting for what they have, most women fought for what they wanted to have. Women who wanted to fit in a society that was molded by commercialism starved themselves through various slimming regimens. Through the various cosmetic surgeries available these days, many women subject themselves to mutilation. What’s surprising is that this concept of femininity, beauty, and perfection is observed now, at a time when people thought that many societies are practicing equality for all genders – even lesbians, gays, and transsexuals. In this contemporary setting when almost everyone thinks that women enjoy the same rights and privileges as men, many girls unknowingly submit themselves to inequality. As shown in the performance, women were defined and treated according to how they look and how well they fit into the society’s popular idea of an ideal woman. It seems that gender was now a tool for inequality and majority of the world’s population cannot recognize this discrimination propelled by commercialism.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Ethical issues Essay
Similarly Newman used a correlation to interpret the findings from his study and found a relationship between undefended space and levels of crime. Correlations cannot show cause and effect, therefore other causes of these findings cannot be ruled out. One other possible explanation may have been that the different estates compared by Newman were simply in high or low crime areas, or that policing tactics of the areas was different. However in contrast Brower et al (1981) used interviews to try and establish how people felt about areas of defensible space. Interviews are a good way of obtaining rich and detailed data, however unlike Newman’s data which was factual (recorded crime figures) interview data is qualitative and needs to be interpreted by the researcher. Inevitably the way this is done may be influenced by the researchers views and therefore biased. In addition to this, as in the research by Mercer, there are issues relating to the honesty of people interviewed and providing socially acceptable responses to be considered. The research by Ley was an observation and therefore, as in Smith’s observation, this research could be argued to have greater ecological validity than research using laboratory methods, however there are problems again of observer bias affecting what is recorded. Also this study used institutionalised delinquents as participants and therefore it is difficult to generalise the results to any other situations, although the findings do have implications for institutions. Ethical issues may be particularly relevant in this study as carrying out observations of institutionalised participants may be a breach of their right to withdraw from the study. It could also be argued that if the observations were carried out by a researcher their presence may have affected the behaviour, on the other hand if video cameras were used covertly there may be a problem in ensuring that all behaviour was observed, in addition to the ethical issues mentioned. Designers and architects could use the research mentioned to ensure that working areas meant for males and females have varied sizes in order to take account of different gender needs for space. When designing housing estates architects need to ensure that the semi public areas are defensible in that they are overlooked and have markers to suggest ownership. They should also include barriers and fenced areas around homes and use plants and foliage as markers. In institutional design it would seem important to use design to clearly mark out areas in order to try and create established boundaries and reduce aggression caused by disorderly space use. It may be possible to include specific time slots for prisoners to use semi public areas to help reduce any aggression caused by dominance of most desirable areas.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Anyone can make a difference
There is no such thing as a perfect world although we continue to try and make it seem that way. Mankind has dreamt about making this wish a reality for many centuries yet has failed in its attempts. This concept along with the failure it carries exists because no one man or women can entirely change the world we live in. No two people are alike so therefore how can millions of individuals be expected to have the same exact motives or desires.In contrast, the reality is that no matter what sex, GE, religious belief or ethnicity you carry, everyone has the same bottom line basic needs that must be met for survival. If each and every one of us could understand that perception and accept it than the key to peace would be among us. Over the centuries in which humanity has been alive it seems that this fact has not been discovered by all its civilization. So therefore many have learned that by separating themselves from trying to persuade this thought, they can more over begin to focus on their own parts to play in this action movie called â€Å"Life†.This world is filled opportunity; anyone of us can have and will have the chance to take a stand in making our home a better place. Being a strong advocate of voting, it is shocking to conclude that many of Americans do not participate in the act of voting, elections or other democratic virtues. The best tool that we have at our disposal is the Benton 2 power to vote, which is the most sufficient way to voice our own opinions. Too many people described as Americans like the idea of problems fixing problems but this solution is unrealistic.If someone does not agree with how the government is running things then it is stated in the Declaration of Independence to speak up! It is overall OUR RIGHT to say so! The government should never have full control over our country; we are supposed to have a democracy run civilization not some communist dictatorship! Another action that should be used in attempt to make our wor ld a finer place is to recognize how something so simple as showing respect and love towards one another can lead to such positive self-outcomes beyond measure.Anyone no matter hat sex, age, religion or ethic background again should be treated equally and not any different then how you would want or expect to be treated. No one human being is better than another even if he or she makes more money or is shown to be in a higher standing within the system. I mean if there really is a â€Å"God†, than we are all his children, correct? No favorites would have been picked from the bunch over another. Nevertheless, along with these examples, a dedication to volunteer activities can also provide an impact on the community not alone on you.Regardless of the location in which you become involved with such extracurricular activities it is always known to show a positive feedback. There are so many amazing, kind hearted and wonderful people who reside here in Fresno, California not menti oning the rest of the planet yet along with these people one should recognize that there will be a lot of harsh ones to follow. Yet, experiences with others should never change your own view and relations to the outside world. It is true that his economy is so horrid Benton 3 eight now that it is causing thousands to morph into self-centered monsters.This reality is disgusting as it is the barrier that is separating that of commonality. Sadly enough, this sequence of events is taking venue only because of the way we have let such issues prolong. The need for survival is a mind-controlling factor yet if we could all realize that by working towards a much deeper long-term goal, we all would be much better off. The strong crave for the light bulb to one day appear over the naive is prodigious as help from America's people is so desperately needed.Evidentially enough, it is impossible to turn the minds of everyone single handedly so some must carry on with their own lives and continuall y try their best in spreading their own opinions and words in the appropriate ways. While dreaming of a greater day, maybe this exhibit will one day be transformed into a reality for at lease our children or children's' children to experience. All that any single individual can do is give effort and think that maybe their suggestions will make a positive influence and one day spread into something larger and far greater†¦
Friday, September 13, 2019
Your choice Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Your choice - Research Paper Example There have also been guidelines that have been given by other government agencies and recommendations on management and prevention of further infection of the disease. Staying health is a factor that is considered in management of the patients. In this aspect, management of the patients should include taking medication as directed. When medicine is not taken as directed, there is lowering the level of immunity that defends the body causing the level of virus in the body to go up (Wnuk, 2008).This reduces the effectiveness of medicine when they are taken. In staying healthy, one should tell the doctor if there are side effects as a result of using to help the doctor help with dealing with the side effects. Telling about the status is a management practice that should also be considered. One infected with HIV should make sure that the other partners are aware of the status. This will make them be able to take care and reduce the risk of contracting the infection. Management of this situation should involve contacting health departments who offer partner services to help the partners about the exposure. Through the services, the staff is able to find drug and sex partners to tell them the risk of being exposed to HIV and STDs. Not taking risk is a management practice that should be considered in management. HIV is spread through body fluids. The most common spread of the disease is through unprotected sex and through sharing sharp objects and other drug equipment. Viral load is important in a person living with the infection since the higher the viral infection, the higher the risk of spreading the virus. Protection aspect is important. When there are other infections that occur in a person living with the infection, there should be no taking chances. The person should get tested and treated for the infections. A person with HIV and other infections
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Brand Management Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Brand Management Strategy - Essay Example Thus, a product may be a physical good (e.g., a cereal, tennis racquet, or automobile), service (e.g., an airline, bank, or insurance company), retail store (e.g., a department store, specialty store, or supermarket), person (e.g., a political figure, entertainer, or professional athlete), organization (e.g., a nonprofit organization, trade organization, or arts group), place (e.g., a city, state, or country), or idea (e.g., a political or social cause). Brands play a critical role in a firm's international marketing strategy. Coherent international brand architecture is a key component of the firm's overall international marketing strategy as it provides a framework to leverage strong brands into other markets, assimilate acquired brands, and rationalize the firm's international branding strategy. This paper aims at making a detailed analysis of the product portfolio of Coca Cola and determines the effectiveness of its brand strategies. Most discussion and research on branding, both in domestic or international markets focus on the equity or value associated with a brand name and the factors that create or are the underlying source of value (Aaker, 1996; Kapferer, 1997; Keller, 1998). Considerable attention has, for example, been devoted to examining about extending the value embodied in a brand and its equity to other products without resulting in dilution of value (Aaker and Keller, 1990). This interest has been stimulated in part by the increasing market power and value associated with a strong brand and in part by the prohibitive costs of launching a successful new brand. In international markets, interest has been centered on global branding - defining the meaning of a global brand, discussing the advantages and pitfalls, and the conditions under which building a global brand is most likely to be successful (Roth, 1995a, b; Quelch, 1999). While this focus is appropriate for a relatively few high profile brands such as Coca-Cola, it ignores the complexity of the issues faced by the vast majority of multinational firms who own a variety of national, regional and international brands, at different levels in the organization, spanning a broad range of diverse country markets. Typically, these brands differ in their strength, associations, target market and the range of products covered, both within and across markets. Equally the use of brands at different organizational levels may vary from company to company. Research of Brand Portfolio Coca-Cola is the manufacturer, distributor and marketer of nonalcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups across the globe. They also manufacture, distribute and market some finished beverages. Along with Coca-Cola, which is recognized as the world's most valuable brand, they market four of the world's top five soft drink brands, including Diet Coke, Fanta and Sprite. The Company owns or licenses more than 400 brands, including carbonated soft drinks, juice and juice drinks, sports drinks, water products, teas, coffees and other beverages to meet consumers' desires, needs and lifestyle choices. More than 1.3 billion servings
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Perceived Leader Integrity Scale Personal Statement
Perceived Leader Integrity Scale - Personal Statement Example As per the results, I will judge the personality of my supervisor by comparing the results with the actual personality of my supervisor. In comparison, I will state whether I agree with the results or not. In the end, I will state couple of examples to prove accuracy of my findings. We all know that Perceived Leadership Integrity Scale is used to measure the ethical status of any person as well as it is an assessment of any one for his or her leadership qualities. We can judge on the basis of this scale score that whether the person is eligible for the leadership post or not. Similarly, I have completed the integrity scale for my supervisor and I am not surprised with the results I got from it, since, my supervisor is a truly kind and honest person. I am pleased to state that I got a score of 32 for my supervisor that will never be surprising to anyone who knows him closely. Now I would like to give couple of examples to support my assessment regarding my supervisor. I still remember the day when I came to this institute as a newbie. My supervisor was the first person with whom I met that day. Very politely, he gave me many advices that I couldn’t forget for my whole life. He advised me to be honest not only for being a student but for my whole life. He made me realize the importance of truth and honesty in anyone’s life. When someone is teaching about honesty and loyalty then how come he is a liar himself? That’s why I more than believe that my supervisor is highly ethical and deserves 32 score. Another example of the high ethics of my supervisor is, one day I was late for my class and I had to pay the fine amount for getting late. On that day I forgot to get my money because I was already late for the institute. I let him know the entire story and the reason for my delay to the class. Though he possess soft corner for everyone but that doesn’t mean that he bends rules as per his needs. He didn’t ask me to omit the fine but very
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Effective Leadership and Potential Obstacles Assignment
Effective Leadership and Potential Obstacles - Assignment Example Leaders should be social people (extroverts) and not timid. Since people listen to us, they should focus on the positive rather than the negative. It is also important to differentiate leader`s official duties from his personal life. It is very easy to attack and destroy the reputation of a leader so it is imperative that a leader shy away from situations and individuals who wish to do just that. Self-awareness plays an integral part in each of our lives since it simply makes us aware of whom we are as well as our traits, character, feelings and our desires. Any person with any ambition to become a leader should first identify all these attributes. David Keirsey and Richard L. Daft are the most renowned scholars in the field of effective leadership. They state that every person has four kinds of temperaments, and each of them differs from person to person. They include diplomatic, strategic, logistical and tactical (Keirsey & Marilyn, 20). According to David Keirsey, an individual tends to identify with one temperament and then ranks the rest in second, third and fourth in that order (Keirsey & Marilyn, 1984). As we leaders, I should be able to influence other people into embracing diverse cultures and also influence public opinion. I will gauge my payoff by the number of conflicts I determine as well as how well I do my job without any complaints from my subordinates. As a leader, I am prone to encounter many obstacles along the way from individuals who do not appreciate my leadership roles to those who seek to assume leadership. As a leader, I mostly identify with the diplomatic temperament. This is because I deal with lots of conflicts, and it is my job to come up with solutions to quell these conflicts. If I was to list, how I identify with my temperaments, diplomatic comes first followed by logistical, strategic then tactical. As a leader, I need to improve my feelings and my desires because I tend to become biased when it comes to some very delicate issues such as discrimination.
Monday, September 9, 2019
The Educational System in the United States Research Paper
The Educational System in the United States - Research Paper Example From this discussion it is clear that everyday conversational skills such as writing, reading and collaboration can truly solidify the foundation of the student’s cognitive and linguistic skills. In the process of learning an additional language, ESL students must keep up with the daily strains that are placed in their program of studies. ESL students must learn to excel in time management skills. Indisputably, each student has a unique set of literacy development needs. Most ESL students have a strict schedule and must be accommodated with personalized program of activities that is managed by the staff itself. One can only imagine the surreal experience of international students, who at times felt hopeless as a foreign student in a North American School. The point is to acknowledge that internationals students are faced with academic, social, and emotional challenges in every aspect of life, which makes learning English much more difficult.This study highlights that lea rning and applying that knowledge is a fairly non-trivial challenge for the average American. But what of non-natives who are required to learn and master one of the most grammatically complex languages? This is a struggle which is unquantifiable and difficult to overcome. Many non-native English speakers who often feel confused, frustrated, and pressured to achieve in an environment of native English speakers are in continuous pressure to excel in academics.... Clearly, it is vital that students should ask for help and set goals on how to overcome each issue. Therefore, â€Å"procedure†becomes a necessary element to facilitate student growth as the tutor advises them to set goals and helps them accomplish these goals. In addition, it affords students the opportunity to discuss with the tutor any concerns they have.             For majority of the ELL students, grammar is the biggest focal point. ESL students are often very knowledgeable in grammar yet fall into the trap of superfluity. ESL students are constantly struggling to write like their counterparts, yet they traditionally fall short because they approach the problem with a skewed mentality. ESL students aim for a high status instead of learning from experience.  The challenge of writing like a native English student extends beyond writing the ‘right’ word as the language itself contains multiple-word meanings. In addition, the American standard demands effective argumentation and synthesis at higher levels. This standard challenges students not only adapt to different writing styles, but to acknowledge other writing method - a seemingly painless task which is continuously compounded by a lack of familiarity with the language and its intricacies.            As a tutor, it is important to account for the differences in writing style prevalent between ESL and native English speakers. The lack of context and organization present in ESL students’ writing stems from an overemphasis on grammar. Nevertheless, these differences do not correspond to a deficiency. Most ESL students get so caught up by wanting to get their papers fixed that they fail to understand the objective of the tutoring session, which
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Human-Resource Manager Interview Report Assignment
Human-Resource Manager Interview Report - Assignment Example The variables that influence his roles substantially include the store’s formulation of HR initiatives. Emphasizing that the structure of the store was determined by the number of employees, the interviewee expressly noted that the store and his roles employ a HR generalist outlook to administer its HR function areas for the business unit and the different employee teams (Conaty and Charan 34). In responding to the question on the structure of the business, and his office, specifically, he insisted that he prefer HR project teams for the different duties and the initiatives of the store, because they increased the accountability of employees. In a generalized way, he noted that there was limited reliance on cross-functional teams, which are often virtual, and where the HR plays the dominant role. Further, he noted that his office is designed in a way that explores and engages the other functions of the store, because that helps in making better team-based decisions (Conaty and Charan 74). The roles and the responsibilities of the interviewee – according to them – vary from day to day. The interviewee noted that everyday is a fully-engaged workload, where they engage in any or many of the following roles: employee hiring, employee training, reviewing and managing employee relations and firing employees for different reasons. Other roles and responsibilities revolve around the management of employee benefits, payroll review and management, administering employee follow-up and participating in organization-wide decision making meetings (Conaty and Charan 34). Above these roles and responsibilities, the interviewee reviews the human resources, to ensure that they have the required employees, and planning recruitment, where there are gaps. The officer engages in the 45-day review of new employees, together with the departmental managers, which helps improve their orientation and training. The greatest challenge to the HR manager and the organization as a who le is the management of the daily work load. This is a major area of a challenge for the interviewee; because he has to prioritize on the work to be done first, out of the huge load, and delegating other duties to departmental managers and staffs (Conaty and Charan 123). For example, he noted that, in the cases where there is a shortage of sales people, or an employee calls for a sick-leave. He is tasked with the challenge of finding a replacement that can meet the needs of the vacant office. The case becomes more challenging, when they have to call in, employees who are taking their off-days, because many of them are, usually, not willing to accept the duty. Hiring is also a challenge for the officer, because getting wrong candidates for the job can be disastrous to its progress. The most difficult decision they made, while working in the store, was that of reducing the bonuses offered to sales people and the employees in general. Following a detailed outlook of the financial posit ion of the business during the past six months, they had reviewed the financial outlook on the business, and noted that the profitability of the business was being adversely affected by the bonus plans (Conaty and Charan 44). The difficulty in the decision was major, because it was likely to force some employees to leave the business, and many others to lose morale and motivation. The interviewee reported that they liked the roles and the responsibilities of motivating their staffs, training new employees and allocating bonuses and other rewards to the employees. They noted that they liked that aspect, because it helps in tapping the full potential of the staffs. The areas that they dislike for the job are that of
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Professional report about an issue pertaining Essay
Professional report about an issue pertaining - Essay Example However, business firms have often been witnessed to overlook the aspect of ethical being or their Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) while executing their organisational operations. For instance, marketers often make illusionary comments to persuade the customers, manufacturers often release harmful chemicals and elements in the open environment which affects the social and the eco-system of earth. The intention behind performing such unethical doings by organisations is mostly related to the realisation of huge profit in a short span of time. This not only harms the society at large but also has a strong effect on the company’s reputation and goodwill (Sharma, 2010). Subsequently, ethical performance is quite imperative in the case of an apparel company, especially when it is operating on multinational dais. It is because customer loyalty and their interest signify stimulated growth for the companies dealing with products similar to apparel. With this point of view, the paper shall intend to analyse the situation and identify the consequences most probable to occur in the near future. Conclusively, the paper shall also suggest certain preliminary measures to overcome the identified challenges. A Situational Analysis In managerial terms ‘Business Ethics’ is often referred to as an oxymoron, i.e. it brings two or more conflicting issues together in order to obtain an in-depth understanding to what is right and wrong for the business and the society as well. However, in the realistic practices the organisational leaders have over and over again been observed to rant the issue of business ethics as a mere management concept rather than one of the most significant and uncompromising issues (Crane & Matten, 2007). With this concern, few ethical issues related to the apparel company can be identified in their supply-chain arrangements. For instance, one of the major suppliers of the company has been recorded to continue performing unethical practices in its South African branch. The allegations recorded against the company were emitting harmful toxic effluents into river, dumping needles, razors, caustic soda and other detrimental ingredients in the local municipality dumps. As a result, child rag-pickers of the neighbourhood have complained about breathing troubles, visionary problems and skin diseases. With an overall perspective, it is seemed that the consequences of the ethical practices performed by the supplier cannot affect the organisational operations. But with an in-depth analysis, it is quite identifiable that the impact can directly influence the growth of the company. Moreover, it can also affect the entire apparel industry as it is associated with several other large companies. Hence, it is quite essential to adapt certain precautionary measures in order to eradicate the consequences. It is in this context, that organisations should pay equal attention to both the aspects of business practices and the cul tural expectations. To be mentioned, there are various initiatives undertaken by business firms in multiple regions. For example, 34 different nations have been recorded to join their hands in order to enforce the Foreign Corrupt
Virginia Henderson Essay Example for Free
Virginia Henderson Essay Virginia Avenel Henderson, the fifth child of Lucy Abbot Henderson and Daniel B. Henderson’s eight children and a descendant of a chain of scholars and educators was born in Kansas City, Missouri in November 30, 1897. She was known for her contribution as an American nurse, author, theorist and a researcher. Henderson started her early education with her aunts, her sister and at his Uncle Charles Abbott’s community school for boys at Virginia. She proceeded to the Washington, D. C. based Army School of Nursing and later pursued her M. A. degree in nursing education at Columbia University teachers college where she become part of the â€Å"Columbia school†of nursing theory (Barnard, 1990, 15). Henderson’s nursing career began in 1921, at Henry Street Visiting Nurse Association, New York and two years in the profession she proceeded to the Visiting Nurse Association, Washington, D. C. where she practiced for one year until 1924. In the same year Norfolk Protestant Hospital, Norfolk, Virginia, offered Henderson a chance to work as a Supervisor and Clinical instructor in the Outpatient department until 1930. It was here where Henderson took an active role in the state nurses association She proceeded on to join the Teachers College, Columbia University in New York as an instructor and Associate Professor, a career she served competently till 1948. Henderson burning desire for the profession did not end there, in 1953; she joined the Yale University School of Nursing, New Haven, Connecticut, as a Research Associate and the year 1971 saw Henderson become a research associate with Research Associate Emeritus (Reniers, 1941, 89). During her nursing career, Henderson made some national and international achievements that made her to be identified as the quintessential nurse of the twentieth century. She became the recipient of the Virginia Historical Nurse Leader award and a Member of the American nurses Association Hall of fame while at Norfolk Protestant school of Nursing as a full –time nursing instructor She is also respected for proposing the plan for creating districts in the Graduate Nurses association of Virginia currently know as Virginia Nurses’ association and advocating for the psychiatric nursing to be included in the curriculum. She has served in the committees that came up with the course at Eastern state Hospital based in Williamsburg, Virginia in the year 1929. It was in June, 1985 that Henderson was awarded with the first Christianne Reimann Prize by the international Council of nurses and in 1988 she won the Virginia Historical Nurse Leadership award as well as recognition by the Virginia nurses association as one if the fifty-one pioneer nurses in Virginia in 2000. The Library of Sigma Theta Tau International was also named in her honor and she was bestowed with honorary degrees from some thirteen (Reiners, 1941, 96). Henderson has been famed for authoring the her nursing definition â€Å"the nurse has the unique obligation of helping the person who is either sick or well, to perform the activities that contribute to health as well as its recovery â€Å"till a peaceful death†which he was in a position to perform without aid if he was having the required strength, knowledge or the will to do it†. She has been referred to as the â€Å"first lady of nursing†as well as the â€Å"first international true nurse†. This is mainly because of her contribution to the nursing profession where her writing, presentations and research work as well as her contact with nurses made some profound effects to the profession and impact on the care recipients by nurses all over the world (Barnard, 1990, 24). During her teaching career at Teacher College, Columbia University, Henderson was remembered for her outstanding character that attracted so many students from all over the world to study with her. Most nurses in the U. S got the chance to study with her while at their home schools after her revision of Bertha Harmer’s book Textbook of the Principles and practice of Nursing was in wide use. Henderson while in Yale contributed to publication of Nursing Research a Survey and Assessment that was in collaboration with Leo Simonds. In addition to these she directed four volumes Nursing Studies Index, twelve years project that has been used intensively for reference over the years. Nature of Nursing, another Henderson’s book that was published in 1966, elaborated her notion on the essence of nursing which later had a lot of influence to those who went through it. At 75, she focused on the international teaching as well as speaking, enabling another generation to gain from contact with this quintessential nurse of the twentieth century. She described Nursing role to be related to the needs of the patient but not to the general nursing theory. Her work is useful and widely adapted by many nurses all over the world because it is believed to be practical and based on the experience of the profession. Henderson died at the age of 98, at the Connecticut Hospice and was laid down in her family plot of the churchyard, St.Stephen’s church, forest, Bedford County in Virginia (Power, 1998, 35). Work Cited: Barnard F. Hollinger, Outside the Magic Circle: the Autobiography of Virginia Henderson, Alabama, University of Alabama Press, 1990, pp. 15, 24. Power Trace, Lee’s Miserables: Life in the army of Northern Virginia from the Wilderness to Appomattox, Carolina, University of North Carolina press, 1998, pp. 35. Reniers Perceval, the springs of Virginia: Life, love and Death at the Waters, Carolina, University of North Carolina Press, 1941, pp. 89, 96.
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