Wednesday, October 30, 2019

He Company Vision and Superordinate Goals Essay

He Company Vision and Superordinate Goals - Essay Example The report seeks to establish the relationship between United States Army Training and Doctrine Command’s (TRADOC) vision and super ordinate goals. Their interaction is affected by the organization’s staff, skills, structure, strategy, style and systems. The organization undertakes initial military training and education of agile soldiers, leaders and civilians suitable for any operational environment in a prolonged time. United States Army Training and Doctrine Command TRADOC is a command organization of the United States military that is situated in Virginia. According to US Army website (2012), the organization is involved in military training, formulation and development of operational doctrines and presiding over the development of new weapon systems. Vision The organization is involved in the development and training of soldiers, leaders and civilians. It also designs, integrates and develops capabilities and doctrines through professional use of equipments and fo rmations geared towards strengthening the United States military through army force generation. The attainment of this vision requires interconnecting of the staff roles to ensure efficient leadership and achievement of super ordinate goals. The organization management is charged with the responsibility of organizing the system structures and elements to ensure efficiency. ... This will enable the development of professional leaders and efficient military personnel (US Army, 2012). Additionally, the general applies the current technology in improving equipments and revolutionizing training to ensure that the personnel adapt to the changing technology. Some of the measures applied in improving the performance of the organization are professional examination of the future trends within the organization, proper role definition and prior professional planning for implementation of the proposed strategies. Super Ordinate Goals The super ordinate goals dictate the essential purpose of the organization. Most of these goals are related to the development of the essential work force. TRADOC is involved in leadership development whereby candidates are professionally trained to efficiently cope with the changing leadership environments. Leadership training involves the analysis of the current leadership deficits in the military and closing the information gaps and in consistencies that causes the deficits. A successful future requires efficient leadership that has the capacity to adapt and ensure mutual reinforcement among the organization’s elements (Bolman and Deal, 2002). The organization undertakes initial military training and education of agile soldiers, leaders and civilians suitable for any operational environment in a prolonged period. Another goal is the creation of dominant land force through evaluating, developing and integrating talents and abilities. Finally, TRADOC formulates doctrines and concepts that are flexible and efficient enough to adapt to the evolving technologies. The doctrines provide the guidelines required for

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