Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Oedipus The King Essays (1083 words) - Oedipus The King, Oedipus
Oedipus the King Oedipus the King The occasions in Oedipus the King, composed by Sophocles, show a basic relationship of man's choice existing inside the vast request or destiny which the Greeks accepted guided the universe in an agreeable reason. Man was allowed to pick and was eventually held answerable for his own activities. Both the idea of destiny and through and through freedom had an itregal impact in Oedipus' devastation. Despite the fact that he was a casualty of destiny, he was not constrained by it. Oedipus was predetermined from birth to sometime wed his mom and to kill his dad. This prescience, as cautioned by the prophet of Apollo at Delphi was unlimited and definitely would happen, regardless of what he may have done to evade it. His past activities were controlled by destiny, however what he did in Thebes, he did as such of his own will. From the earliest starting point of this disaster, Oedipus took numerous activities prompting his own ruin. Oedipus could have paused for the plague to end, yet out of empathy for his enduring individuals, he had Creon go to Delphi. At the point when he learned of Apollo's statement, he could have tranquilly researched the homicide of the previous King Laius, however in his hurriedness, he energetically reviles the killer, and in this way, unwittingly reviles himself. Upon the killer I summon this revile whether he is one man and all obscure, or then again one of many-may he destroy his life in hopelessness or fate! In the event that with my information he inhabits my hearth, I ask that I myself may feel my revile. (pg. 438; lines 266-271) All together for Sophecles' Greek crowd to identify with the sad figure, he needed to have some kind of defects or an blunder of ways. This brought the character down to a human level, conjuring in them the dread that it could happen to them. And Oedipus surely isn't one without blemishes. His pride, ingnorance, impoliteness and mistrust in the divine beings, and unwavering mission for reality at last contributed to his destuction. At the point when Oedipus was told (subsequent to compromising Teiresias), that he was liable for the homicide of Laius, he got infuriated and considers the old prophet a liar. He fled from his home, Corinth, in trusts of outmaneuvering the divine beings awesome will. Like his dad, Oedipus additionally looked for approaches to get away from the frightful fate told by the prophet of Apollo. The melody cautions us of man's have to have respect for the divine beings, and the threats of an excessive amount of pride. On the off chance that a man strolls with haughtiness of hand or word and gives no regard to Justice and the sanctuaries of Gods loathes may a malevolence fate destroy him for his not well featured pride of heart!- on the off chance that he harvests gains without equity and won't hold from profanity and his fingers tingle for distant things. At the point when such things are done, what man will imagine to shield his spirit from the poles of the God? (pg. 452; 975-984) Oedipus' immovable want to reveal the truth about Laius' homicide and the puzzle encompassing his own introduction to the world, drove him to the grievous acknowledgment of his terrible deeds. Teiresias, Jocasta furthermore, the herder attempted to prevent him from seeking after reality. Take for instance a piece of the last discussion among Jocasta and Oedipus. In the wake of figuring it out that the prediction had worked out as expected, Jacasta beseeches him to simply let the riddle go unsolved for once. I implore you-don't chase this out-I beseech you, on the off chance that you have any consideration for your own life. What I am enduring is sufficient. (pg. 461; 1158-1161) Oedipus answers, I won't be convinced to let possibility of finding out the entire thing plainly. (pg. 461; 1166-1167) He can't stop his journey for reality, significantly under his better half's arguing. For it is in his own vain that he should tackle the last puzzle, the enigma of his own life. Endless supply of reality of his introduction to the world from the herder, Oedipus cries, I who previously observed the light reproduced of a coordinate detestable, and abhorrent in my living with them, reviled in my executing. (pg. 465; 1300-1303) Oedipus realized that his destiny had in reality happened what's more, feels reviled by it. The ensemble at that point sings a tribute on the distress of life what's more, the sad destiny to which even the most regarded, similar to Oedipus are eventually subject. What man, what man on earth wins more joy than an appearing what's more, after that dismissing? Oedipus you are my example of this, Oedipus you and your destiny! Unfortunate
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Characteristics of imprisonment in the nineteenth century Essay
Attributes of detainment in the nineteenth century - Essay Example Attributes of detainment in the nineteenth century During the seventeenth century, jail was wherever that the guilty parties were held while anticipating the discipline. During the seventeenth century, London Bridewell house was developed as a model jail that could hold the scattered poor so as to impart the propensities for work through jail work. The nineteenth century saw the usage of the main state jail that was the national prison at Millbank in London. The detainees were kept in independent cells, yet were permitted to relate during the day. Pentoville prions was built in 1842 with cells estimating 13 feet in length, 9 feet high and 7 feet in width and worked a different framework that involved isolation of the detainees. Peel’s Gaol Act of 1823 had isolated the penitentiaries relying upon the status of the guilty party. The detainees were restricted in a different cell and were attached with rope and correspondence to different detainees was unimaginable. Select Committee of the House of Lords suggested for the arrangem ent of Prison Inspectorate and usage of quiet jail framework. The primary phase of quiet framework was isolation for a time of as long as nine months that was combined with hard work and petitions in the cells. The second corrective stage was the arrangement of rest and dinners in a different cell, yet the detainee would be permitted to work with the remainder of detainees. The third stage was comprised the contingent discharge because of good direct and steady police oversight. Under the quiet framework, food was repetitive, beds were supplanted with loungers so as to cause the wrongdoer restless evenings and hard work involved Oakum picking so as to isolate the filaments of an old ship’s ropes for reuse.... These frameworks involved a great deal of ruthless discipline techniques, for example, electric stuns, starvation and stopping of detainees in bubbling water. Be that as it may, numerous wards chose to surrender their detainment facilities as opposed to acquiring higher costs of keeping up the detainees (Emsley 89). In 1877, the penitentiaries were nationalized and went under the control of Prison Commission. The Prison Commission was of the view that rebuilding was fundamental so as to lessen the quantity of detainment facilities and quit reoffending. The Prison Commission declared its won control of penitentiaries and normalized the guidelines of all detainment facilities hence prompting consistency. End I concur with Sidney and Beatrice that the nineteenth century jail strategy was eventually ‘the obsession of uniformity’. After the section of Prison Act of 1865, the Prison Commission actualized proportions of normalizing administrations offered to detainees including the nature of food, the quantity of work hours and guaranteed that detainees wore regalia while in the cells. Moreover, the detainment facilities utilized new qualified work force, for example, analysts, case managers and government assistance officials who were entrusted with giving directing administrations and giving treatment to the detainees. By mid 1890s, the Prison Commission had effectively executed consistency, proficiency in organization and government assistance benefits in jails. The 1898 Prison Act gave the Secretary of State to make rules overseeing jails and a Board of Independent Visitors for each convict jail was built up (Emsley 113). Question (b). ‘When we think back, transportation catches our contemporary consideration as a reasonable, brilliant and practically energizing method of managing genuine wrongdoers. In any case, with the advantage of knowing the past, we can appreciate
Name of student free essay sample
The kin Rosa and Enrique can't be carefully called travelers or displaced people as a result of the somewhat impossible to miss nature of their resettlement. They are exiled people since they wish to have a superior life far away from their town where they were laborer ranchers. They conceivably might be called exiles since they needed to leave their town to save their lives. For appropriate assignment by the specialists, they could be called outcasts as they are more that than just displaced people.. Their excursion toward the north was full of challenges every step of the way. From the start they met with a coyote Jaime, who had all the earmarks of being kind to them and really took them over the outskirt possibly to attempt to ransack them when he thought their gatekeeper was down. They were caught by the outskirt specialists and were sent back to Tijuana where they neglected to persuade specialists that they were Mexicans. We will compose a custom exposition test on Name of understudy or then again any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page On getting to Tijuana, they had no wellspring of pay and Rosa needed to depend on taking so as to take care of herself. In the end they met the coyote who had the option to take them to the US, they needed to sell their moms chain which presumably was the exact opposite thing they needed to help them to remember her and emblematically they left behind the exact opposite thing that connected them with their town. To get to the US, they needed to experience a sewer pipe that was rodent plagued in practically all out haziness for a considerable length of time that was a shocking encounter. It was not all awful at any rate, not long after they left their town they attempted to stow inside a truck, and the neighborly driver requested that they go along with him in front on the drive to Oaxaca. Plus, he gave them a compressed lesson for being Mexicans or if nothing else happening to as ones. That end up being an entirely important exercise later on. They met one individual who helped them to lease a condo when they got to California, and a similar individual introduced Enrique a bid for employment in Chicago. Simultaneously, Rosa met a decent woman Nacha who helped her by offering guidance and the fundamental thoughts about the life in the US as an undocumented worker. All together not to have extraordinary issues they started taking English classes and end up being acceptable understudies, they were hard orking and didn't expect that anything could transpire. This film inspires thoughtful sentiments to undocumented exiled people, having been given an in the background investigate their accounts. Conceded that every one of them probably won't have such emotional stories in their lives, it is significant that regardless of the legitimateness or in any case of their status un der everything, they are simply ordinary individuals with trusts dreams and yearnings who simply seek after a superior life or who are really fleeing from a genuine impending danger to their lives. What's more, this circumstance they end up in places them in an entirely helpless state where they can be misused and defrauded by individuals who have genuine or envisioned issues with their stay in the US. Watching this film has mollified my assessment of workers. They might not have the right documentation, however they merit an opportunity to improve their lives.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Having A Required GPA For Extra Curricular Activities Essay
â€Å"I will traverse school on a football scholarship!†what number occasions have you heard that announcement asserted by the normal young kid? Truth be told getting a full ride football grant to a college is amazingly troublesome. Rather individuals attempting to acquire grants through extra curricular game exercises should concentrate more on their scholastics. A few understudies are just doing extra curricular exercises so their school application will look better to heads. Be that as it may, a 4.0 evaluation point normal is going to passage progressively amazing to the directors at that point beneath normal evaluations and a huge amount of extra curricular exercises. By requiring a â€Å"C†grade point normal we could stop a ton of the generalizing happening in most secondary schools. Likewise, incredible measures of obligation will be earned for individuals shuffling both the â€Å"C†grade normal and extra curricular exercises. This extra experience and o bligation will enable the individual to prevail to a more prominent level in their grown-up life. On the off chance that you are a team promoter, at that point you should be inept. On the off chance that you get above 90% in practically any class, at that point you should be a geek. Generalizing is a shocking thing happening everywhere throughout the country today. The most pessimistic scenario of this is in secondary school. What is the reason for these generalizations? The exercises you participate in and how well you are getting along outside of these exercises. Understudies with passing marks that are in numerous clubs are a greater amount of thought as the geeks and goody-merchandise of the school populace. The understudies on the football, ball, cheerleading, and practically some other game related group are thought of as nitwit. In the event that understudies were required to have a specific evaluation guide normal toward be on those groups they wouldn’t be thought of as geeky or moronic. The school wide populace, while not totally generalization free, would have qu ieted down with a great deal of that generalizing. We would overcome any barrier between the athletic and the scholarly. The more capable you are the better you will be at prevailing at your ideal calling. Individuals that realize how to adapt to both scholastic and athletic fields will advance all the more at that point individuals that don't. On the off chance that the individual who is hoping to enlist another worker sees that you can oversee both of these fields they will think you are progressively capable and pick you over a ton of different candidates. Duty shifts into a wide range of structures, butâ it generally matters most in your calling. Instruction is significant in each part of life. More than any measure of physicality you will require training to make due in regular day to day existence. Numerous individuals figure they can get into a broadly positioned college in the event that they have a ton of extracurricular exercises. Despite the fact that these look great on an application, kept up better than expected evaluations will look better. Regardless of whether you don't have impeccable evaluations, a â€Å"C†normal and some extra curricular exercises will give you increasingly possibility of being acknowledged into the University of your Choice. Despite the fact that you could contend that numerous understudies pride on their capacity to do these extra curricular exercises and their ability could doubtlessly get them a grant it isn't generally so. For instance, you could be chipping away at a football grant, be that as it may, just a normal of seventeen football grants are given out from a school for every year. Being capable at a specific game will generally not set up you for school. Somebody who has the abilities and a superior kept up grade point normal will have a surprisingly better possibility at getting that grant. In summation, it is my conviction that a â€Å"C†grade point normal ought to be required to take part in extracurricular exercises. It will extraordinarily lessen the measure of generalizing occurring in most secondary schools. Greater obligation will be earned, along these lines making your progression in a calling simpler. Additionally, the more instruction you have, the simpler it will be for acknowledgment into most colleges. The better your application looks the better your calling will be.
Guidance on How to Write a Rhetorical Analysis Essay
Guidance on How to Write a Rhetorical Analysis Essay Writing for a purpose to complete a specific academic assignment is not an easy task, at least for those not accustomed to express their thoughts in a logical, coherent, and structured way on a given narrow subject. Writing for a creative, open topic is easy because you can speak about anything coming to your mind, but this is not always allowed when you are a student. Thus, for a Literature or, let’s say, Philosophy course, you might have a number of topics to cover, and selecting one of them may be a mandatory condition to get a passing grade. Let’s imagine you are tasked with writing a rhetorical essay, and you don’t know how to start and where to go. Don’t panic! Here is our quick guide to rhetorical essay writing, and it starts with a clarification of what is a rhetorical essay. Definition of a Rhetorical Essay As its name suggests, this type of an academic assignment deals with analysis of some people’s rhetoric found in the popular media such as literature, TV shows, films, and other artistic forms in which some text or content is involved. Since such media usually provide some content to communicate a message to the target audience, the essence of rhetoric analysis is in understanding that message and dissect it in terms of propriety, ethics, deeper meanings, and other elements of argumentation. Collecting Information as Pre-Writing Exercise The first stage before actual writing begins is to search through available good rhetorical essay topics. Though you may have a list of requirements from your supervisor, it is highly recommended to pick some burning, recent issue from the news or discuss one of the latest film productions. In this way, you will guarantee that the subject is new and your audience will be genuinely interested in reading your product. Outlining Then comes the completion of a rhetorical analysis essay outline; to perform this task effectively, experts from recommend taking the following steps: Analyze the rhetorical situation of your selection. Formulate its purpose, define the audience for whom it will be intended, determine the genre of writing, and try to forecast how your writing will be used. This will give you an initial idea about writing specifics and will help in selection of the approach. Upon genre selection, think over its components. At this stage, it is appropriate to select words, phrases, and organizational structure, as well as defined devices standing out as most appropriate to render your ideas and accomplish the assignment. Construct your judgments. To outline some argumentation, read or watch your piece of content with a critical stance. Then put down all your emotions and ideas raised by it: whether you feel it is good, bad, outstanding, contradictory, or persuasive. Outline the main idea you learned from it, and indicate whether it was boring or involving for you. While the general structure of such a paper fits into a usual introduction-body-conclusion scheme, it is highly recommended to start with introduction after the outline of key ideas is ready. In such a way, you will make a guide for your readers about components of further text, will condense your opinion about the analyzed piece in a concise thesis statement, and will hook the audience for further reading. How to Start a Rhetorical Analysis Essay? The introductory part should follow a standard essay format, that is, it should include a presentation of your topic and purpose of the analysis. Moreover, a strong introduction may contain enumeration of main themes focusing attention on some specific rhetoric aspects, and the background data about the issue’s context and the author of the analyzed piece. Starting from such a comprehensive background overview, your audience will feel more competent in assessing further argumentation even if they knew nothing about the medium or its author before reading your paper. Rhetorical Analysis Essay Ideas: Body and Conclusion After the opening lines are finished, it’s high time to proceed to the analysis itself; it is contained in the body of the essay. Rhetorical analysis serves as an explanation of your approach to analysis, as well as the author’s purpose, intentions, genre, and other specifics of the medium. Experts recommend including the following elements into the body: An analytical thesis overviewing the identified pattern and the author’s decision about the analyzed text Summary of the analyzed piece of content Examples and evidence from external sources supporting the arguments Professional writers also use checklists for making sure that they embraced the entire spectrum of the text’s elements during analysis, for instance: Who is the author of text/content? What credentials and competence does he or she possess in the professional field? Are there any opinions or biases evident in the text? What is the author’s attitude to the discussed subject? In what tone is the message presented? Does the tone signal about the author’s credibility in the field? Who is the audience of this message? What are they expected to learn from it? How does the author intend to achieve a change? What kind of language and rhetorical devices does the author use for making his or her message clear and persuasive? How accessible and comprehensible is the medium? Is the author knowledgeable in the field? How is this determined? Does the author give proper credit to opposing perspectives and alternatives? What is the overall impression and central idea of the message? This is only one of the checklist variants, which can be used for constructing an excellent rhetorical analysis of any piece of art or text. Don’t forget that after a thorough, in-depth analysis, you should reinforce your thesis statement and encapsulate the key ideas you arrived at during analysis in a concise conclusion. Don’t add anything new to the concluding part; instead, make your thesis statement sound even stronger than at the start, and support the resulting opinion with evidence you collected in the analysis. Make your attitude and standpoint surface in the final paragraph to establish your own credibility and show your full understanding of the studied subject.
Guidance on How to Write a Rhetorical Analysis Essay
Guidance on How to Write a Rhetorical Analysis Essay Writing for a purpose to complete a specific academic assignment is not an easy task, at least for those not accustomed to express their thoughts in a logical, coherent, and structured way on a given narrow subject. Writing for a creative, open topic is easy because you can speak about anything coming to your mind, but this is not always allowed when you are a student. Thus, for a Literature or, let’s say, Philosophy course, you might have a number of topics to cover, and selecting one of them may be a mandatory condition to get a passing grade. Let’s imagine you are tasked with writing a rhetorical essay, and you don’t know how to start and where to go. Don’t panic! Here is our quick guide to rhetorical essay writing, and it starts with a clarification of what is a rhetorical essay. Definition of a Rhetorical Essay As its name suggests, this type of an academic assignment deals with analysis of some people’s rhetoric found in the popular media such as literature, TV shows, films, and other artistic forms in which some text or content is involved. Since such media usually provide some content to communicate a message to the target audience, the essence of rhetoric analysis is in understanding that message and dissect it in terms of propriety, ethics, deeper meanings, and other elements of argumentation. Collecting Information as Pre-Writing Exercise The first stage before actual writing begins is to search through available good rhetorical essay topics. Though you may have a list of requirements from your supervisor, it is highly recommended to pick some burning, recent issue from the news or discuss one of the latest film productions. In this way, you will guarantee that the subject is new and your audience will be genuinely interested in reading your product. Outlining Then comes the completion of a rhetorical analysis essay outline; to perform this task effectively, experts from recommend taking the following steps: Analyze the rhetorical situation of your selection. Formulate its purpose, define the audience for whom it will be intended, determine the genre of writing, and try to forecast how your writing will be used. This will give you an initial idea about writing specifics and will help in selection of the approach. Upon genre selection, think over its components. At this stage, it is appropriate to select words, phrases, and organizational structure, as well as defined devices standing out as most appropriate to render your ideas and accomplish the assignment. Construct your judgments. To outline some argumentation, read or watch your piece of content with a critical stance. Then put down all your emotions and ideas raised by it: whether you feel it is good, bad, outstanding, contradictory, or persuasive. Outline the main idea you learned from it, and indicate whether it was boring or involving for you. While the general structure of such a paper fits into a usual introduction-body-conclusion scheme, it is highly recommended to start with introduction after the outline of key ideas is ready. In such a way, you will make a guide for your readers about components of further text, will condense your opinion about the analyzed piece in a concise thesis statement, and will hook the audience for further reading. How to Start a Rhetorical Analysis Essay? The introductory part should follow a standard essay format, that is, it should include a presentation of your topic and purpose of the analysis. Moreover, a strong introduction may contain enumeration of main themes focusing attention on some specific rhetoric aspects, and the background data about the issue’s context and the author of the analyzed piece. Starting from such a comprehensive background overview, your audience will feel more competent in assessing further argumentation even if they knew nothing about the medium or its author before reading your paper. Rhetorical Analysis Essay Ideas: Body and Conclusion After the opening lines are finished, it’s high time to proceed to the analysis itself; it is contained in the body of the essay. Rhetorical analysis serves as an explanation of your approach to analysis, as well as the author’s purpose, intentions, genre, and other specifics of the medium. Experts recommend including the following elements into the body: An analytical thesis overviewing the identified pattern and the author’s decision about the analyzed text Summary of the analyzed piece of content Examples and evidence from external sources supporting the arguments Professional writers also use checklists for making sure that they embraced the entire spectrum of the text’s elements during analysis, for instance: Who is the author of text/content? What credentials and competence does he or she possess in the professional field? Are there any opinions or biases evident in the text? What is the author’s attitude to the discussed subject? In what tone is the message presented? Does the tone signal about the author’s credibility in the field? Who is the audience of this message? What are they expected to learn from it? How does the author intend to achieve a change? What kind of language and rhetorical devices does the author use for making his or her message clear and persuasive? How accessible and comprehensible is the medium? Is the author knowledgeable in the field? How is this determined? Does the author give proper credit to opposing perspectives and alternatives? What is the overall impression and central idea of the message? This is only one of the checklist variants, which can be used for constructing an excellent rhetorical analysis of any piece of art or text. Don’t forget that after a thorough, in-depth analysis, you should reinforce your thesis statement and encapsulate the key ideas you arrived at during analysis in a concise conclusion. Don’t add anything new to the concluding part; instead, make your thesis statement sound even stronger than at the start, and support the resulting opinion with evidence you collected in the analysis. Make your attitude and standpoint surface in the final paragraph to establish your own credibility and show your full understanding of the studied subject.
Friday, June 26, 2020
My PA School Rejection Letters - How to Turn a Set Back into a Set Up
If I fail more often than you, I win I have written before about the importance of becoming anepic failureand how this is a fundamental part of becoming an epic success. I was cleaning out some of my old file cabinets today and came across my PA school application documents from 2001. I will be sharing three of them below. If you are experiencing setbacks on your path to becoming a Physician Assistant I want you to know that this is a normal part of the process. Do not be discouraged: failure met with perseverance, is the key to long-term, sustainable success. My PA School Rejection Letter #1 (Ouch!) To help you reach your goals, it is important that you see my failures along with my successes. Otherwise, you will be fooled into believing that success is a simple, pain-free process when in reality the path to each of my successes has been lined with the road kill of my many epic failures. Got a Moment for SomeInspiration? Whether it is God or otherwise, how we perceive a setback matters! (Listen25 minutes) This week, I won two free tickets as part of my daughter's kindergarten raffle to see James Durbin, an American Idol "outcast," play here on our shared hometown stage of Santa Cruz, California. Although I am not that familiar with all of James' music, last night as he stood on stage, I realized just how much I respected this 25-year-old rocker. Knowing all the public criticism he had to endure during his time on the Idol stage, the sting of being "voted off" and rejected by his peers, not to mention the many obstacles he had to overcome in a lifelong battle with Tourette's and Asperger's syndrome. Last night, he spoke to the sold out crowd (many of whom were young, screaming teenage girls) and divulged his story of how his pediatrician told his parents to keep their expectations low. Just goes to show what you can do with a dream and a whole lot of grit. Don't even get me started on the Olympics! It may sound clichto say that we learn more from our failures than from our successes, but nevertheless, this is true. Because life is a process of trial and error, and error, and even more error until finally you succeed! The key is to hang in there long enough, don't give up with the struggling masses, there is light at the end of the tunnel no matter how dim and distant it may seem. PA Rejection Letter #2 (Your Killing me) So success is simply the result of a long series of epic failures if you have done things right. Reading the above rejection letter so many years later I am almost embarrassed to admit that I didn't have a 3.0 GPA, but there is a back-story not written on this rejection letter. This proves the point that an isolated number outside of any context is just a point along a curve that when seen alone is pretty much useless. Don't become a point on a curve. The trend is what matters! In what direction are you trending? And just when you thought the pain and suffering couldn't go on . . . My Rejection Letter to the National Health Service Corps (The kick in my proverbial balls) Yes, I was even rejected by the National Health Service Corps the first time I applied. Although not the second . . . And yes, I received even another rejection letter from OHSU, but I must have thrown that one into the fire. My Acceptance Letter to PA School At first, it seemed odd to me that among this stack of failed attempts I could not find my acceptance letter into PA school. I remember it so well, that simple single sheet of white paper with red and black ink letterhead, about four sentences long sporting an official UMDNJ seal. I read it in the rain, on a cold Seattle evening by streetlight, heart beating, exhausted after a long day of work. The feeling of nausea rose to my chest as I held the two corners of that letter, and I said a short prayer before I tore it open. I made a promise to God and myself that if this dream came true, I would use my training always to relieve the suffering of others and to make the world a better place. Spoiler alert I was accepted, and I am still working hard to keep my promise. My Message to You If you have received a rejection letter fear not my fellow epic failures, I too have stood demoralized in your shoes. But do not let that define you, let it guide you, let it be the road kill that you can look back upon with pride years later when you are writing a blog post hanging out your dirty underwear with pride for all the world to see. Here are my rejection letters. I am posting them as a reminder of what should make you stronger. I saved them because they are a source of motivation, and I hope they can provide you with some peace of mind as well. If you can learn to see adversity as a tool to help you reach your goals you can turn what seemed to be a "setback" into a "set up" for something truly wonderful. Thank you for reading, and I wish you the best wherever you may be on your journey to PA-C. - Stephen Pasquini PA-C photo credit: venspired document.createElement('audio'); Download (23.4MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | Email | Google Podcasts | Stitcher | RSS | PANCE and PANRE Podcast Player You may also like -Who Gets Into PA School? Heres What You Need to KnowLeslie Mean is a 26-year-old singlewhitefemale who presents to the PA school admissions committee on her first attempt to get into PA school. She has a 3.58 overall GPA and a 3.47 science GPA. She is holding a bachelor of science []Overcoming Obstacles on Your Path to Becoming a Physician AssistantLife is full of obstacles. They can be as simple as getting out of the bed in the morning, or as arduous as writing the perfect physician assistant application essay. Most of the time the biggest obstacle is ourselves. The excuses []Physician Assistant Application Letter of Recommendation Samples: Applying to PA SchoolPA School Letters of Reference Here are two letters of recommendation Ireceivedwhen applying to PA school. I am not posting them here as a way to fluff my feathers but merely to serve as an example of what I included as part of my []
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Management Information System Case Study - 1251 Words
Question: 1. In the case study, we referred to the systems being developed and used as decision support systems. However, we also identified various artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. How can a decision support system incorporate and use AI technologies such as pattern recognition? Answer: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) tools and techniques can aid in the diagnosis of disease states and assessment of treatment outcomes, so AI can be used by a decision support system as pattern recognition to analyze healthcare data and generate a representation of knowledge and make a decision support. One of this AI technologies tools is the Artificial Neural Networks which work much like the human brain and have the ability to learn from†¦show more content†¦But If I am in this case, or if I’m going to be their patient, I would probably choose opt-in because I know that this my health profiles are really needed for them to determine the appropriate therapies for me and of course it is also for my own benefits so I will allow their system to use my profile. Question: 3. In this case, demographic information such as ethnicity, gender, and age greatly impacts the quality of the decision support and analysis. The same could be argued for the predictive analytics system used by the Richmond police in this chapter’s first case study. Why would some people find it acceptable to use such demographic data in this case (for medical purposes) and not in the first case (for predicting crime, its location, and its timing)? Answer: For me the demographic data is really meant or better to use for medical purposes than for predicting crime. â€Å"Woman ages from 60-80 are prone to osteoporosis.†is an example of what I always heard about health. I believe that there are diseases for specific age or gender, for example uterus cancer is for woman only and alzheimers disease is for adult and not for children. And for ethnicity, I think people’s health will also be affected from their environment, the way they live or the food they eat. So this demographic data is really used in medical purpose. AndShow MoreRelatedManagement Information System Case Study1262 Words  | 6 PagesQuestion: 1. In the case study, we referred to the systems being developed and used as decision support systems. However, we also identified various artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. How can a decision support system incorporate and use AI technologies such as pattern recognition? Answer: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) tools and techniques can aid in the diagnosis of disease states and assessment of treatment outcomes, so AI can be used by a decision support system as pattern recognition toRead MoreStrategic Information System Management Case Study1759 Words  | 8 Pages Strategic Information System Management Name: Institution: Date: In the recent time there have been numerous of business groups and organizations that come up only to be in operation for a short period of time and there after they break apart. Typical example is of such groups is Bizcafe business group. They are always composed of few members and they aim at achieving short time goals. In most cases, they are dissolved once their objectives are immediately met. Although Bizcafe, a typicalRead MorePolyProds Management Information System: A Case Study3977 Words  | 16 Pagesdifferences in style, skill, education and attitude in every organization now accentuated when we think of the multi-national organization. In our case study, for instance, Roberta Jackson is an experience first-level manager employed by Polyprods manufacturing and distribution division. She is actively trying to improve the current management information system (MIS), but while committed, realizes it will be a difficult job. Failure of her objective could cost the organizati on millions of dollars inRead MoreCase Study Questions On Management Information Systems1409 Words  | 6 Pages BA60275H217- Management Information Systems Case Study - 1 CU ID: 547100 Prof : Jimmie Flores 1) Was cyber security a priority at Target? Explain. It is not that much of priority at Target. The people of Target understood it after the Point of Sale (POS) attack is a big issue at target which has to be organized immediately and making the condition protected. Around 6 pm in the evening, the target condition is in safe and secure and it is terminated the malware atRead MoreCase Study: Management Information System of a Bus Company3402 Words  | 14 PagesIT 112: Management Information System CASE STUDY: MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM OF A BUS COMPANY By: Ledeza May S. Buntag Bernamie A. Barnaja Mary Claire P. Boco Claire P. Cervantes Jowen S. Delima Introduction Increasing number of population also increases the number of passengers which requires large source of public transportation that is convenient, safe, and affordable for a typical person along for the ride. Bus companies play a vital role in transportation now a day. From itsRead MoreManagement Information System Case Study for Dirt Bikes USA4777 Words  | 20 PagesDirt Bikes USA Case Study Chapter 1Management Overview of Dirt Bikes Introduction of Dirt Bikes Dirt Bikes USA, a small company headquartered in Carbondalewas founded in 1991 by Car Schmidt and Steven McFadden, two young but experienced bikers with engineering backgrounds who saw that dirt bikes were becoming very popular in the Unites States as both sporting and racing motorcycles. In the early time, they developed frames for dirt bikes that were more suited to off-road handling and used itRead MoreEffectiveness of Management Information System. a Case Study of Holiday Inn Beitbridge934 Words  | 4 PagesCHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMATION 1.0 Introduction This chapter seeks to provide the basis of the research project. It will entail what the researcher intends to research on. The current capabilities of the Management Information System in place and how it is suppose to perform to improve on its effectiveness in the day to day running of the hotel. 1.1Background of the study Since Express by Holiday Inn was opened in November 1998 the hotel has always used CLS for its operations. EmployeesRead MoreDesign And Implementation Of A Computerized Farm Management Information System (A Case Study Of A Piggery Farm)2023 Words  | 9 Pagesof the study Objective of the study 1.2.1 Statement of problem Significant of the study Scope of the study Methodology Definition of terms Project thesis CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW CHAPTER THREE Overview of the existing system Description and analysis of the existing system Method of data collection 3.2.1 Interview method Observation method Input analysis Process analysis Output analysis Problem of the existing system Justification of the new system CHAPTER FOUR Design of the new system OutputRead MoreAnalysis of Communication Challenges and Potential Solutions: Case Study of a Laboratory Information Management System Project Team3660 Words  | 15 PagesCommunication Challenges and Potential Solutions: Case Study of a Laboratory Information Management System Project Team Author: Kevin J. Hricko September 30, 2008 Analysis of Communication Challenges and Potential Solutions: Case Study of a Laboratory Information Management System Project Team This paper examines the communication challenges observed during the execution of a project to design and deploy a global Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) to support worldwide research andRead MoreComair1351 Words  | 6 Pagesof the case study; Airline Industry Analysis, Comair. In this report we also will include both traditional and changing strategies within the industry. In this report, point will be discussed such as what causes the failure? What should be done by the manager, Delta executive and IT crew management to avoid this exposure Problem : Comair’s Crew Scheduling System Breaks Down Case Study : Airline Industry Analysis Comair, the airline which is owned by Delta Air Lines. The network system crashed
Monday, May 18, 2020
Using Genetic Testing For Breast Cancer - 1497 Words
According to Susan G. Komen only about 5 to 10% of breast cancer in the United States are due to inherited genes mutation. In other words, breast cancer is not always linked from a parent to child, only a small amount of people in the U.S. have an inherited gene. Genes are pieces of DNA that every cell in the body contains which includes the genetic code for your body. If there are any changes in the genetic code- DNA and RNA molecules that carry genetic information in the living body, there will be an effect in the function of the genes which will result in mutation. Many inherited mutations have little to no effect on a persons health. However, there can still be a higher risk of breast cancer. In the book What You Need to Know Now†¦show more content†¦As well as 45 to 65 percent of women who inherit these harmful will most likely have breast cancer by the age of 70. In other words, if their is an inherited mutation of one or both mutations there is a greater chance of dea ling with breast cancer for a time in life or a lifetime. BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 are the human tumor suppressor proteins type 1 and 2 found in humans to repair DNA. If there is a negative result of an BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 there still is a low chance of developing breast cancer which is why it is very important to get routine screening. If there is positive result of a the gene there is a certainty that you have a risk of breast cancer. Women who carry the BRCA mutation are given different ways of early and severe chemoprevention, surveillance and prophylactic surgery. Nevertheless it is very rare and usually affects older men who can also carry these mutations, having a risk of breast cancer and pass them on to their children. In fact, test from children with parents of breast cancer focusing on mood, social functioning and behavior problem by Lizbeth Hoke show that there is no significant difference between children of the breast cancer group and not in the group. However, women that do have breast cancer resulted in psychological distress more than others but their treatment and illness were not related to their children. Due to their distress children of mothers who have breast cancer were found to do better in academic and social more than
Thursday, May 14, 2020
The Omnivore s Dilemm A Natural History Of Four Meals
Jo-Anney Yandall Food Societies Dr. Kathryn Besio The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals Michael Pollan. New York: Penguin Group, 2006. 1-411 pp., (ISBN 978-0-14-303858-0). As omnivorous beings, it seems that is both a blessing and a curse to have such a vast amount of meal choices to choose from. In The Omnivore’s Dilemma, Michael Pollan explores the majority of these options and offers a sort of guide on how to make a choice. The UC Berkeley Graduate School journalism professor takes us on an eye-opening ride with this book where we find out horrifying truths on the ingredients of the foods we eat every day and whether our choices benefit our bank accounts more than they do our health and the earth. The book is divided into three sections with each section focused on the major players in our diet in terms of where they come from. The first section (consisting of the first seven chapters) would, of course, focus the industrial food chain. The second emphasizes alternative foods, mainly organic foods and the last section is based on hunter-gatherer foods. Each section ends with a meal that he consumes and gives us his thoughts on such. Pollan begins his journey of exploring the industrial food chain by taking a trip to the supermarket. Reason being, most Americans, buy their food from such stores. During this trip, he finds what seems to be a wide variety of choices. However, majority of these choices have one thing in common: they have corn in them or
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Nelson Mandel The Icon Of Power And Tolerance - 1315 Words
Mandela.. The Icon of Power and Tolerance Nelson Mandela is one of the most prominent and the most inspiring character of our time. This character became the inspiration for a complete school that teaches the meanings of the wonderful humanitarian implications and instills the supreme values and concepts of civilization. Within the adversity that surrounded, he still had the courage and determination, along with the struggle and resistance for liberation. He was a school of life. Rom Brafman, the author of â€Å"SUCCEEDING WHEN YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO FAIL, The 6 Principals of High Achievement†, discussed some researches about how people act when they are facing adversities and hardship. He pointed out to some traits, tunneling, unwavering commitment, meaning making, and the importance of satellite figure. When we read the books that documented Mandela ’s life, and specially his book â€Å"A Long Walk to Freedom†, we can simply find him as â€Å"tunneler†, a figure of unwavering commitment, who made meaning and understood the importance of satellite figure. Mandela’s life was not simple and easy; he was surrounded by adversities and hardship all his life. Brafman says, â€Å"The tunnelers †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. routinely approach their lives from a slightly different perspective or angle. And that approach makes all the difference.†(p178) Tunellers look at their adversity, evaluate it, and find the solution that enables them to overcome this adversity. Mandela was a black boy born in a society dominated by the
Discuss the principle underlying the Practical Life...
Discuss the principle underlying the Practical Life exercises and how it fosters independence in children. What is Practical Life exercise? Practical life exercise means the basic everyday life, all the things we need to for daily living. Dr Maria Montessori felt that children need to be shown and given opportunities so that they learn how to do everyday living activities in a purposeful way. â€Å"The child can only develop by means of experience in his environment. We call such experience work.†– Maria Montessori Children prefer to work than to play and they can only be in their natural self, when their natural self is satisfied through work. It’s also through work they acquire concentration, co-ordination, control, independence and†¦show more content†¦Exercises in each of these categories provide the opportunity to do purposeful work and are designed to teach the child life skills, so that they may became confident to do their daily chores at home. Activities grouped under â€Å"Development of Motor Skills†, such as carrying, pouring, squeezing an d twisting give the opportunity to exercise and co-ordinate body movements of the child. Movement is very important to the child because it contributes and spiritual development of the child. â€Å"Through movement, he acts upon his external environment and thus carries out his personal mission in the world. Movement is not only an impression of the ego but it is an indispensable factor in the development of consciousness, since it is the only real means which places the ego in a clearly defined relationship with external reality.†(The Secret of childhood, 1966) The child learns to ‘Care of the Environment’ from exercises like cutting, cleaning, washing, polishing, sewing and more. They learn that they are a part of the environment and learn to respect and develop a sense of responsibility towards the environment. Also the child will gradually learn how to gain greater control of his motor movements so that he would be able to perform more complex tasks later on . Some of the activities such as washing of table can be carried out as a group task, which helps the child to be socialized. TheShow MoreRelatedDevelopmental Psychology14082 Words  | 57 PagesBASIC ISSUES UNDERLYING CHILD DEVELOPMENT. DETERMINE, DISCUSS AND EVALUATE THE POINT OF VIEW OF VYGOTSKY’S SOCIOCULTURAL THEORY AND THE INFORMATION PROCESSING APPROACH WITH REGARD TO THE ISSUES UNDERLYING CHILD DEVELOPMENT * THE COURSE OF DEVELOPMENT (CONTINUOUS OR DISCONTINUOUS) * THE COURSE OF DEVELOPMENT: ONE OR MANY * FACTORS THAT DETERMINE DEVELOPMENT (NATURE/NURTURE) Introduction Child development has many theories with different ideas about what children are like and how they changeRead MoreDevelopmental Psychology14091 Words  | 57 PagesISSUES UNDERLYING CHILD DEVELOPMENT. DETERMINE, DISCUSS AND EVALUATE THE POINT OF VIEW OF VYGOTSKY’S SOCIOCULTURAL THEORY AND THE INFORMATION PROCESSING APPROACH WITH REGARD TO THE ISSUES UNDERLYING CHILD DEVELOPMENT * THE COURSE OF DEVELOPMENT (CONTINUOUS OR DISCONTINUOUS) * THE COURSE OF DEVELOPMENT: ONE OR MANY * FACTORS THAT DETERMINE DEVELOPMENT (NATURE/NURTURE) Introduction Child development has many theories with different ideas about what children are like and how they changeRead MoreCorruption Is Barrier to Development in Pakistan9592 Words  | 39 PagesEngineering BUITEMS Quetta Outline I. INTRODUCTION 1. What is Corruption? A. The abuse of power for private gain is called corruption B. Corruption is authority plus monopoly minus transferency 2. Corruption in different away of life A. Bribery B. Nepotism C. Fraud D. Embezzlement E. Political Corruption F. Administrative Corruption 3. Causes of Corruption in society 4. Genesis of Corruption 5. Consequences of Corruption II. Corruption in Pakistan and barrier to its developmentRead MorePlenary Session69346 Words  | 278 Pageshave to score your results, as the web page does so for you, 2) You will receive a detailed type report immediately after completing the web based survey, and 3) I will be able to present your group’s specific data at the session. Several hints about how to best complete this survey: †¢ There are no right answers to any of these questions. †¢ Answer the questions quickly, do not over-analyze them. Some seem worded poorly. Go with what feels best. †¢ Answer the questions as â€Å"the way you are†, not â€Å"the wayRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 Pagesmymanagementlab is an online assessment and preparation solution for courses in Principles of Management, Human Resources, Strategy, and Organizational Behavior that helps you actively study and prepare material for class. Chapter-by-chapter activities, including built-in pretests and posttests, focus on what you need to learn and to review in order to succeed. Visit to learn more. DEVELOPING MANAGEMENT SKILLS EIGHTH EDITION David A. Whetten BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY Read MoreMethod of Teaching and Learning18614 Words  | 75 Pageswith the introduction of the Deanery’s new web-based learning package for clinical teachers. Each of the papers provides a summary and background reading on a core topic in clinical education. Aims The aims of this paper are to: †¢ Provide ideas of how to make the most of clinical situations when teaching students or trainees †¢ Raise awareness of the advantages and disadvantages of a range of teaching and learning methods in clinical teaching †¢ Enable you to identify aspects of your everyday workRead MoreHistory of Mental Health by Mind8472 Words  | 34 Pagescentral principles: in terms of health care, that prevention is cheaper and more effective than cure in terms of social care, that charitable activity has its proper place in supporting a public service. The report also suggested that the Poor Law should be replaced by specialised social services dealing with separate categories of people. The subsequent development of the National Health Service (NHS) in 1948 and local authority social services can be seen in terms of these principles. 1923Read MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words  | 922 Pagesis thought-provoking, witty and highly relevant for understanding contemporary organizational dilemmas. The book engages in an imaginative way with a wealth of organizational concepts and theories as well as provides insightful examples from the practical world of organizations. The authors’ sound scholarship and transparent style of writing set the book apart, making it an ingenious read which invites reflexivity, criticalness and plurality of opinion from the audience. This is a book that will becomeRead MoreThe Implication of Paulo Freires Banking Concept to the 8.4.4 System of Education in Kenya9634 Words  | 39 Pagescountry’s development. The frustrations faced in the efforts placed while going through the 8:4:4 system necessitated this study. This paper will try to find out to what extent the associationism theory of John Locke will be applicable in analyzing how Kenyan education has contributed to lack of creativity in the country. Based on this theory, it is hoped that solutions will be suggested. It’s my position that we go back to the drawing board (in this case, classroom) to re-design our curriculum. ThereRead MoreDiscuss the Importance of Non Verbal Communication to Education24125 Words  | 97 Pagesgroup vulnerable to HIV/AIDS. | Contact farmers and community leaders may be unable to attend training activities due to caring responsibilities. Project likely to lose trained beneficiaries and their knowledge, experience and labour.Some destitute children, often AIDS orphans, are forced into child labour. | Agricultural/rural development projects actively address in their regular activities the factors that increase vulnerability to HIV/AIDS. | Community development workers of a food security project
Discrimination and Mobile Phones free essay sample
1. 1 List the aspects of employment covered by law Here is a list of the aspects of employment covered by law; The Disability Discrimination act The Discrimination Act The Sex Discrimination Act Human Rights of older people in healthcare Data Protection Act RIDDOR 1995 1. 2 List the main features of current employment legislation Here is a list of some of the main features of current employment legislation; The Employment Rights Act The Sex Discrimination Act 1975 The Equal Pay Act of 1970 The Race Relations Act 1976 The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 The National Minimum Wage Act 1998 The Working Time Directive 1999 The Employment Relations Act 1999 1. 3 Outline why legislation relating to employment exists These legislations protect workers; there safety and human rights in the work place. It protects there pay/sick pay, working conditions (safety standards) , maximum working hours, breaks, discrimination, bullying, ect. It also makes sure that everyone gets equal opportunities, 1. 4 Identify sources and types of information and advice available in relation to employment responsibilities and available in relation to employment responsibilities and rights There are many sources and types of information/advice regarding employment responsibilities and rights. A lot of these can be found within your work place, they are; Contract Handbook Policy Documents Terms and Conditions Job Description Ask your manager and they will be able to help you find these. There are also an abundance of sources and types externally, they are; Citizens Advice Bureau ACAS Access to Work Additional learning Support Lastly the internet is a good source of information, The best place being Gov. uk. Learning outcome 2 Understand agrees ways of working that protects own relationship with employer 2. 1 Describe the terms and conditions of own contract of employment Terms and conditions of own contract of employment include hours worked, pay rate, holiday entitlement, contribution of objectives of job role to care homes Key aims. Terms and conditions of employment, a statement and instructions of what my employers expect of me, also my job description. The employer expects staff to read and follow the policy and procedures that the home has, to attend all training, supervision and staff meetings. 2. 2 Describe the information shown on own pay statement The information on my pay statement is as follows; Employee My name Date The day I get paid Employer Arlington House Residential care home Department Staff N. I Number My National Insurance Number Tax Code How much I get paid before I pay tax Pay method The way in which I get paid Period What month I am paid in the tax year Year To Date Lists my total pay, N. I pay I have received or paid up to that date in the tax year Pay Basic pay the amount I have been paid before deductions Deductions Tax and I. N been paid Taxable Pay Money that attracts tax Non-Taxable Pay Money that cannot be taxed Total Pay Is taxable pay plus non-taxable pay Net Pay Is the amount of pay that will be placed into my account 2. 3 Describe the procedures to follow in event of a grievance In an event of a grievance you must speak to you manager about the problem you are having. If you are not satisfied that the issue has been dealt with you can make a formal grievance. To do this you would have to put your grievance in writing, meet with your employer to discuss the issue. If nothing can be resolved it could be passed to head office. 2. 4 Identify the personal information that must be kept up to date with own employer The personal information that needs to be kept up to date are; your name and address, contact details, emergency medical contact and any medical problems that may affect my work. This would include any holidays that you would be requesting off. 2. 5 Explain agreed ways of working with employer There are many ways of working that have been agreed to between carer and employer. This being how to meet data protection requirements, the right procedures to report a grievance, how to promote equality and diversity, how health and safety features are to be followed, procedures on conflict management, follow care plans and safeguarding policies. Learning outcome 3 Understand how own role fits within the wider context of the sector 3. 1 Explain how own role fits within the delivery of the service provider My role within the delivery of the service provider is; Getting to know clients, their interests and needs Helping clients with daily personal care such as; washing, dressing, using the toilet and feeding themselves Carrying out general tasks such as; laundry and bed making Accompanying clients to doctors or hospital appointments Helping clients with their daily activities Providing emotional and social support Liaising with family and health care providers 3. 2 Explain the effect of own role on service provision My own role effects the service provision as I make sure the clients have the best quality of life that is possible. I do this by following agreed standards and applying the principles of care. If I did not do this the client would become neglected and it would be a dereliction of duty. 3. 3 Describe how own role links to the wider sector I link with the wider sector by liaise with other agencies to provide seamless care, such as attending appointments with clients or carrying out treatment/therapy regimes set by professionals. 3. 4 Describe the main roles and responsibilities of representative bodies that influence the wider sector It is the main role of a District Nurse coming to a care home is to give medical support to a client, to monitor the quality of care a client is receiving, to offer help, advice and support. The main role of the Care Quality Commission within a care home setting is making sure the care service provided to clients is safe, effective, compassionate and to a high quality of care. They would also encourage making improvements. They would do this by making regular inspections. The main role a GP in a care home setting is to give medical treatment, asses clients medical needs and make sure the client is receiving the best quality of medical support. Learning Outcome 4 Understanding career pathways available within own and related sectors 4. 1 Explore different types of occupational opportunities There are a few occupational opportunities in the care sector, this being given the chance to do a NVQ qualifications that could lead to entry for nursing qualifications. Having a NVQ level 4 could lead you into a chance to do a Level 5 in Leadership for health and Social Care, giving you Managerial qualifications. 4. 2 Identify sources of information related to a chosen career pathway You can find information about a chosen career pathway in the health care sector by, talking to your manager, talking to a careers adviser at your local Jobcentre, looking on-line at web sites such as; National Careers Service or Gov. uk 4. 3 Identify next step in own career pathway After completing my Level 2 NVQ in Heath and Social Care I aim to do the next 2 Levels, working towards gaining Nurse training to work as a Health assistant (Nursing auxiliaries). Learning Outcome 5 Understanding how issues of public concern may affect the image and delivery of the service in the sector 5. 1 Identify occasions where the public have raised concerns regarding issues within sector Concerns have been raised by the public regarding mobile phones being used at improper times, where photographs have been taken and used inappropriately Concerns have been raised by the public a care home in Dorset. The person who raised the concerns reported very poor care to residents and had witnessed a resident being roughly handled and pushed against a wall, there are many reports similar to this that have made the public concerned about abuse in care homes. 5. 2 Outline different viewpoints around an issue of public concern relevant to the sector Some people feel that mobile phones should not be used by staff while on shift, that answering a mobile in unprofessional and is a disregard for the residence. Using mobile phones would take up an in proportionate amount of time. People feel the care giver would become distracted and harm would come to the resident, also pictures being taken could be used inappropriately. Many staff feel that they should be allowed to use their mobile phones while on shift for emergencies and to assist in their work. 5. 3 Describe how issues of public concern have altered public views of the sector The public concern on the use of mobile phones while staff are on duty have altered, as the public are more cautious of the carers looking after residence. They feel that there should be stricter guidelines and plenty for the miss use of mobiles, thus protecting the residence. 5. 4 Describe recent changes in service delivery which have affected own area of work My employer above public concern put in place a mobile phone policy, it states that staff are not allowed to used their mobile phones while on duty, exempting emergencies. There will be disciplinary action if found using one and instant dismissal if found taking a picture. The Department of Health have made available a grant for dementia homes, this grant has enabled the care home I work in to make modifications to help create an environment to help the residents with dementia reduce anxiety, distress and help people feel safe. My employer has done this by making the main recreational rooms in the home open plan so residence can always see staff. Reducing the chance of residents becomes distressed as they think there lost. My employers have also made the entire flooring one colour in the halls so the residents could distinguish these from their rooms, large photos of local scenes from the past to prompt people’s memories and making the decor calming colours.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Developing Human Resource and its Impact on Organisational Performance
Question: Discuss a systematic literature review to identify how does developing HR has an impact on the performance of the organisation? Answer: Literature Review This report will discuss a systematic literature review to identify how does developing HR has an impact on the performance of the organisation. In the modern age, human resource department forms an integral part in any organisation. The organisations have started realising the unique influence of HR department on the functioning of the organisation as the business environment has become highly competitive and complex. These days organisations compete with each other to acquire the best talented resource available(Alagaraja and Shuck, 2015). This situation has resulted due to dearth of talented employees in the market. This scenario of the business has made it necessary for companies to retain the talented pool of candidates by keeping them motivated and provide them job satisfaction. Organisations have realised that satisfied and dedicated workforce can help the organisation to achieve its goals effectively and take the success of the organisation to a very high level. Effective human resources can help the firm to gain competitive advantage over its competitor. Thus, the importance of adopting appropriate HR policies have b een realised as an effective and efficient HR can positively impact the organisational performance. The human resource department has many strategic roles to play within the organisation. They are required to be a participant in formulating the mission and vision of the organisation. They are also responsible for addressing the grievances of the employees; manage the industrial relation with the workers and trade unions, carry out unbiased and timely performance appraisals, undertake various activities to keep the employee motivated and add to the intrinsic value of the job(Baptista and LeitaÃÅ'Æ’o, 2014). They are the ones who need to take initiative to break monotony at work and handle any conflict. They are responsible of recruiting right kind of people in right numbers at right time. They need to assess the training needs and then arrange for training to ensure the personal growth of each employee. He needs to ensure proper flow of communication within and outside the organisation. Therefore, it can be said that the role of HR manager has become extremely challenging in rec ent days. An HR manager requires having several skills, all at once. Few of the important skills are, leadership qualities, innovative, good inter personal skills, negotiation skills, conflict management, planning and analytical abilities, problem solving and decision making skills etc. In an era of rapid globalisation and fluctuating economies coupled with intense competition and diverse needs of the consumers, the companies need to push its performance levels by reducing costs, improving their quality, enhancing its productivity and brining in innovative products quickly (Bridger, 2013). It has been an area of research to identify its impact on organisation performance. There are a number of literatures available which concludes that there is a significant impact of developed human resource on organisational performance and on employee turnover and it results in improved financial performance of the organisation. It has been proved time and again that if an organisation takes care of its employees then the employees also takes care of the organisation in return. If the firm treats them well and provide ample opportunity for personal growth for them, then they are willing to walk that extra mile to achieve phenomenal success while reaching their goals. Organisation s can achieve its goals only through the efforts of the employees(Cheung-Judge and Holbeche, 2013). And to do so, they need to ensure that they create a sense of belongingness and pride among its employees. Therefore, it necessitates the firms to undertake employee development programs. Employee Development does not only mean providing training to employees. Training the employees is just a part of employee development. Training helps the employees to enhance their skills and gain new knowledge which will help them to perform their current job in an effective manner. Employee development includes a range of activities. It is not only focused on the job, instead it aims towards the overall development of the employees. It focuses on the improving those skill and behaviours that will enable them to attain effectiveness in the long run (Georgiades, 2014). This will ensure that the firm will be able to gain a competitive advantage over its competitors. Development activities range across various categories. The various dimensions are as follows: Voluntary Vs Involuntary: some organisation incorporate development activities in its HR policies and encourages it employees to take part in various training programs, job rotation programs. The organisation provides them coaching and mentoring opportunities as a part of employee development program(GrublienÄ and UrbonaitÄâ€â€, 2014). This is called voluntary efforts taken by the organisation for employee development. Potential employees, who are expecting promotion, voluntarily participate in such activities. Few employees participate in such programs to enhance their knowledge and experience. They engage into self directed learnings and other look for opportunities to hone their skills. Formal Vs Informal: Formal development programs are organised by the company which is targeted towards the development of precise skills and behaviours and to add the specific knowledge base. Such programs may include job enrichment programs or planning a lateral move for the potential employees (Jaremczuk and Mazurkiewicz, 2014). Informal activities are not particularly designed by the organisations, but they provide opportunities for those employees who are willing to learn. Employees might participate in extracurricular activities, organised by the company, to enhance their skills and knowledge which can be used at the workplace. Current Vs Future oriented: this dimension identify the degree to which the knowledge and skill of the employees will be enhanced, which will help them to improve performance in the current job, if the development activities are undertaken. Also it determines how well they will be prepared for future challenges or changes that might occur in their current job (Javed, Balouch and Hassan, 2014). Incremental Vs Frame breaking: These are the learning experiences. Incremental learning is situations where the employee is given time to clarify his role expectations and certain amount of flexibility is there for self paced learning (Lancaster and Di Milia, 2014). Here the organisation widens the job responsibility to learn from experience. Whereas, in frame breaking is a learning situation where the employee need to have high thrust for learning and risk taking ability and be prepared for failure. Introspective Vs Interactive: Development activities undertaken by the organisations is also influenced by the amount of employee interaction required with the work environment (Li, 2014). If assessment centres are used then, an employee explores about his skills, values and interest. But when, job rotation is done to make the employee learn through experience, it requires him to interact with others. Thus, this becomes interactive. Thus, an organisation makes use of a balanced mix of all the dimensions mentioned above. They choose the mix to effectively develop their employees. While discussing the dimensions, there were short descriptions of various methods that are adopted by employers to develop its employees. There are various other methods which can be used by the organisation to develop the employees. They are as follows: Employee assessment is a common method where they are provided feedback about their behaviour, skills and communication styles. These feedbacks are provided by the colleagues, the customer and manager of the employee (Saks and Gruman, 2014). This allows an individual to identify his strengths and weakness and create self awareness about where they need to improve to be more effective. Various tools used to assess employees such as performance appraisals, assessment centres and Myers-Briggs Type Inventory is most popularly used. Proving a wide range of job experience by exposing them to various challenges in the job. To do this, job rotation, job enrichment, employee exchange programs, lateral moves and promotions are used. Lateral moves means that an employee moves to another designation with similar status, responsibility with similar pay. Only, this new position may have some challenging tasks which will encourage the employee to learn new skills and gain experiences (Shuck et al., 2014). The Development Challenge Profile has been created to identify the components that are required to be developed for managerial positions. Employee exchanges are a recent concept, wherein the employees are exchanged between two organisations who are customers to each other in terms of products and service. This allows the employee to gain phenomenal experience if reality and how things work outside their organisation. The employee can apply this new learned knowledge when he returns back to his own organisation. Formal Educational Programs are another way of developing employees. There are programs which are specially designed for working people and it is conducted for short period by the universities and other consulting firms (Shuck et al., 2014). There are MBA programs and lectures by experts etc. Now a day there is a surge in the number of such companies who offer professional courses for the working people. Some organisations grant a leave to its employees to pursue higher studies so that when they return, they can give back excellent results to the organisation. The organisation can introduce personal development plans for employees so that they are rest assured that they will also grow with the organisation. The organisations have started taking this initiative where the employer and employee generates a list of goals that both seeks to achieve within a specified period of time (Skorupinska, 2015). This encourages the employees to strive for organisational excellence while developing one self. Leadership training, cross cultural training, on the job and off the job training and many other kinds of training is another method used to develop employee. These kinds of training aims at enhancing a particular set of skills of the employee. When a company plans to engage in employee development programs, they need to communicate this to its employees. This will enable the company to get the support of the employees and they understand that the organization is concerned about their personal growth and well being (Walton and Valentin, 2014). Thus this makes it even important for companies to communicate this to the employee which will help them to develop strategy. The organisation should communicate effectively about why they want to conduct the development program. They should ask the employees that how they would like to receive the development program. The organisation shall then make sure that the sessions are based on adult learning principles. This will ensure that the participants are actively involved in the process and they are able to apply the new knowledge acquired to their jobs effectively. Applying the adult learning principle will also ensure that the program makes use of a range of learning style and that the process in goal oriented. Thus it can be concluded that the employee development programs are essential in order motivate employees and improve their morale. This will boost their performance and increase the productivity of the organisation. In the present era, which is characterised by rapid technological advancement, it is important for companies to become a learning organisation in order to survive and thrive in the long run. This will also help the organisation to communicate its expectations that they want its employee to enhance their skills in order to keep themselves updated (Williams, 2014). This will provide the organisation to gain competitive advantage over its competitor. Employees are the ones who will produce, manage and deliver the products and services of the organisation. They serve as the face of the company as they are the first contact point of the consumers. The employee development programs can have a very positive impact on the organisational productivity and performance. It creates p ositive changes at the workplace which leads to environment of mutual trust and openness. These programs also make the employees responsible and accountable for their behaviour and conduct. This will help in keeping the employees focused towards the goals and ensure that they adhere to the rules of the organisation. Thus, by studying the literature review, it can be concluded that the organisations need to provide opportunities for personal development of employees. This will yield better results in the long run, as mentioned above. The organisations have started taking initiatives to invest in employee development program.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Effective Writing - Using An Excellent Sample Essay To Prove Yourself
Effective Writing - Using An Excellent Sample Essay To Prove YourselfIf you have an impressive undergraduate degree, even if you did not receive a first or second-rate grade on your Wharton undergraduate college coursework, there is still hope for you. In order to improve your grades and achieve better personal and academic success, you can use your Wharton undergraduate college sample essay as a guide and application to real-life situations and circumstances.By using sample essays from students who are doing well academically, you will be able to identify which questions are the most pressing. You will also be able to test yourself against these samples. Some of the questions may require you to utilize a certain type of writing and you will find it helpful to read their sample essays before you begin to work on your own.You will need to be sure that you outline all of your thoughts in a way that is easy to follow and complete outlines and sub-headers to break up the writing process. The more you pay attention to the forms and components of a sample essay, the more you will see yourself. Sample essays should give you a good idea of how you will write, format, and structure your own Wharton undergraduate college sample essay. The more you study the samples, the better prepared you will be when you begin the actual writing of your own undergraduate college coursework.After you have an idea of how you will structure and format your essay, you should take the time to examine a variety of sample essays by students who have done well at Wharton University. Ask the professors of any of the courses that you have taken whether they have any additional sample essays. The best thing to do is find your subject matter, the school's interests, and your general area of interest, and then get a hold of a Wharton college sample essay. These essays usually come with a template.After you have done this, you should take the time to analyze the samples and determine which sample es says apply to your situation and interests. You can find a variety of sample essays online, and in books as well. Make a point of looking through all of them and finding a sample that matches your situation and interests. You will want to write this sample essay after you have been completing your Wharton undergraduate college coursework.Once you have written your Wharton undergraduate college sample essay, you will need to start filling in the blanks. Make sure that you remember the major points, your plan of action, and the methods that you are going to use. Your work in the sample essay should provide you with clear ideas of the key things that you are expected to accomplish. This will serve as your roadmap as you go through your final Wharton undergraduate college coursework.Finally, you should complete your Wharton undergraduate college coursework with a writing sample that closely matches the format of the sample essays you have used to get started. This will help you get the most out of your writing experience. There is no substitute for experience and you should always be prepared to prove yourself. The samples may only give you a starting point for your writing, but your own analysis of your own academic and personal life experiences will help you realize the power of this kind of composition.
Saturday, April 4, 2020
Dualism Essays - Ontology, Philosophy Of Mind, Mindbody Problem
Dualism I believe that the popular or "ghost in the machine" form of substance dualism best solves the mind body problem. My views in this area have been influenced by my twelve years of Catholic education. The soul, or mind, depending on your level of belief, was a complete and separate entity and was the center of a human being. The body was an ambulatory device that the soul directed. The idea that the mind is a separate entity and that it is independent of the physical body is the central point of substance dualism. Churchland explains that substance dualism claims that the mind is a distinct nonphysical thing, a complete nonphysical entity that is independent of any physical body to which it is temporarily attached. Any and all mental states and activities, as well as physical ones, originate from this unique entity. Substance dualism states that the real essence of you has nothing to do with your physical body, but rather from the distinct nonphysical entity of the mind. The mind is in constant interaction with the body. The body's sense organs create experiences in the mind. The desires and decisions of the mind cause the body to act in certain ways. This is what makes each mind's body its own. The popular or "ghost in the machine" form of substance dualism states that a person is a "ghost in a machine", the ghost being the mind or spirit and the machine is the body. Within this description, the mind/spirit controls the body and is in intimate contact with the brain. The brain would be the nexus between the mind and body. The popular form of substance dualism was adopted after the difficulties of Cartesian dualism could not be overcome. Rene Descartes stated that the nonphysical and the physical could not interact. This became a problem in dualism since the nonphysical mind needed to interact with the physical body. These difficulties provided a motive for the move to popular substance dualism. The first major argument for substance dualism is religion. Each of the major religions place belief in life after death that there is an immortal soul that will survive death. This very closely resembles substance dualism. The mind can be substituted for the immortal soul. In fact the two are almost interchangeable. This argument is primarily the basis for my own belief in substance dualism. My personal experiences as a religion student give me insight into this argument. The second major argument for substance dualism is irreducibility. This points to a variety of mental phenomena that no physical explanation could account for what is going on. An example would be the quality and meaningful content of human thoughts and beliefs. These things cannot be reduced to purely physical terms, hence irreducibility. This is also another good argument that I can understand from personal experiences. I cannot reduce my reactions and feelings toward how a steak tastes to a mathematical equation. This is the same idea. The final argument for substance dualism is parapsychological phenomena. Mental powers such as telepathy, precognition, telekinesis, and clairvoyance are all near impossible to explain within the boundaries of physics and psychology. These phenomena reflect the nonphysical and supernatural nature that dualism gives to the mind. Because I believe in these phenomena, it seems logical to me that parapsychology is an excellent argument for substance dualism. These arguments give a good basis for a philosopher to believe in substance dualism. However there are also serious arguments against it. The first major argument against dualism is simplicity. Materialists state that because their view is simpler (they only believe in one thing- that which is physical) it is more rational to subscribe to their view. The materialist point of view is also easier to prove because there is no doubt that physical matter exists, while nonphysical matter is currently a hypothesis. This argument seems very illogical to me. Philosophical views should be chosen because one makes more sense to you, not because one has a smaller number of ideas within it. The second major argument against substance dualism is explanatory impotence. Materialists can explain anything physical through scientific study, whereas dualists can explain nothing because no theory has ever been formulated. Churchland says, "...dualism is less a theory of mind than it is an empty space waiting for a genuine theory of mind to be put in". I see one flaw with the materialist theory here. The mind in the dualist theory may use a form of energy transfer not yet discovered by science. Centuries ago, undiscovered forms
Sunday, March 8, 2020
St Augustines Philosophy
St Augustines Philosophy St Augustine has been viewed as one of the most notable political philosophers of his time. He was from a troubled background and his works on confessions closely and candidly brings out the thoughts of a troubled individual. It is therefore not surprising that his philosophical thought is complex, paradoxical, contradictory and very incisive. Augustine strongly believed in the theory of individualism because he argues that human beings are descendants of Adam and Eve, although it does not place a burden on people. Individuals are determinants of their own destinies. Augustine further argues that all men are created in God’s image, the image of goodness (Condon 79). It naturally follows that God controls human behavior so that human beings only perform that which is good. In this sense, God’s presence in an individual’s life is compared to light. A man is inspired by God’s command to act in an orderly manner and avoid evil. Augustine views women as impure and easily corrupted by the earthly. He views women as being members of the city of damned and being responsible for taking man away from God. Man must always strive to keep away from sin by doing God’s purpose.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on St Augustine’s Philosophy specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More He therefore looks at Eve and women in general as being descendants of the damned city since they sin not based on necessity but on their own selfish happiness. He views any individual who engages in sin (sex) purely for pleasure as belonging to the city of the damned. Those who pursue earthly happiness characterize this city. Under this category, we have the circumcellions, the donatists and the heretics. Such individuals have no God’s light. On the other hand, there are those who may have sinned purely as an obligation. Such individuals are descendants of Adam. Adam had to obey Eve if he had to f ulfill God’s purpose of regeneration (MacCulloch 37). The sinning by Eve was not all negative for it is through sinning that Eve came to know much beyond goodness (light). Eve and man were able to know between evil and goodness, suffering and joy, and toiling and happiness. Augustine argues that the early stoics or the early Christians could be divided into two. Some were much concerned about earthly possessions while others pursued Godly. The state should only protect individuals who pursue good (light), those who worship according to the prescribed form. This category of individuals is righteous because they have God’s light. Such are people who pay taxes, respect authorities, tolerate the views of others and lead a virtuous life. God’s presence in an individual enables him/her to achieve goals that are consistent with the provisions of the church. Such individuals know the truth meaning that they can differentiate between evil and good. They always tell the t ruth and live according to societal principles. God’s light or presence inspires an individual to know the truth while the truth in turn enables an individual to act or behave according to God’s will. Augustine’s conceptualization of justice rests on the Roman maxim. He believes that those who worship other gods must be punished by the state. This punishment must rest on reciprocal justice that is, a knife for a knife and a tooth for a tooth. There are those according to Augustine who live contrary to the virtues postulated by Plato. For such, the pursuit of earthly pleasures receives precedence. These include the search for personal glory, earthly possessions among others.Advertising Looking for essay on philosophy? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More They have elevated other men to positions of God. They belong to the city of the damned and are responsible for their actions. Such individuals have a lienated themselves from the church and judgment has already been passed on them meaning that light is unchangeable. While such individuals sin, God will not stop them from sinning for it is believed judgment has already been passed even before one is born. Through this, Augustine comes out as intolerant for he does not respect the rights of others particularly the pagans. His desire is to institutionalize the church. He appreciates that the church and the state must work together although he elevates the church to a higher position in hierarchy. Plato’s works on the parable of the cave, particularly the sun, may help to elucidate Augustine’s arguments. Plato in the Republic employs the sun as an allegory for the source of light, perhaps logical enlightenment, which he believed to be the type of the Good. This is sometimes understood as Platos belief of God. Plato uses the sun to show how truth can be acquired (Sayers 21). Socrates is the orator of the ‘Republicà ¢â‚¬â„¢, although it is normally assumed that the views articulated therein are Platos. The eyeball, Plato states, is strange among the intellect organs because it requires an intermediate, specifically light, to function. The well-built and greatest source of brightness is the sun. With the sun, things can be distinguished evidently. Plato postulates that it is similar to comprehensible things that is, the permanent and everlasting forms that are eventual objects of systematic and rational study. Condon, Matthew. â€Å"The Unnamed and the Defaced: The Limits of Rhetoric in Augustine’s Confessions†, Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 69 (1), 2001. MacCulloch, Diarmaid. The Reformation A History. London: Penguin Books, 2003. Sayers, Sean. Plato’s Republic: An Introduction. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1999.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on St Augustine’s Philosophy specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/pag e Learn More
Friday, February 21, 2020
Motivational Design Plan Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Motivational Design Plan - Term Paper Example This is due to the fact that while one employee will only be motivated by a mere word appreciation others will require material rewards while others still value their welfare such as good treatment and day off at work for their motivation. This motivational design plan therefore refers to an act whereby resources are arranged as well as procedures laid in an organization in order to bring about changes in how the company stakeholders are motivated. This form of design plan is applied to the motivation of the employees to work, to develop specific motivational characteristics in individuals as well as to improve people’s skills when it comes to motivation. When making such design plans some form of creativity and understanding of the people, who work for you is required. This is because not all employees will find the same form of reward worthwhile for him or her given the uniqueness of each individual. Another consideration, which is even termed a challenge, is the mode of com ing up with a flexible and cost effective way of ensuring that all the employees are engaged in their work. There are many ways of motivating employees but according to by plan, I am going to talk about informal rewards, specific achievement and activities, formal rewards (Keller). Just as their names suggest, informal rewards reflects on the sincere and honest appreciation of individual employees efforts through a mere thank you or by writing them an appreciation letter. This mode of motivation does not have any significant costs to the organization while it influences so much in terms of its impact on the employee and organizational output as a result. The employer can as well give random time offs like early dismissal, full day off or late arrival at work and an employee will feel much motivated to work. Occasionally, the HR departments can organize events like sports, dinners or any form of social gathering and this enhances bonding. Employees also may feel part of the organizat ion if occasionally they are involved in decision-makings process to bring new ideas into the organization. Such informal rewards or motivational techniques bust the employee confidence while enhancing their management and how they relate. Therefore, such rewards ought to be consistent and immediate. As an HR, one must take note of the needs of specific individuals in the organization. Those whose needs are growth in the firm must be recognized for promotions and incentives as they show their prowess. Such specific achievement and activity rewards are formulated and publicly awarded to the achievers as all the other company employees watch. Such efforts can be recognized in the weekly newsletters or simply pinning a notice on a notice board for the rest of the company to see. Employee ideas that save the company money have to be recognized through rewards such as trophies, this may to an extent entail an award like an employee of the month trophy with the employees name engraved on them. Bonuses may also be given to employees recognized by customers are exemplary. The basic idea with such a phase of the plan is to reward the specific achievements of employees who does extra for the organization. This will make them even do more and as well influence the whole work force to start competing, which would be healthy for the organizations success in terms of productivity, revenue and competitiveness as well as customer service (Keller). Formal
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Florence Nightingale Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Florence Nightingale - Essay Example Modern nursing concepts has since then developed from her time. This paper then is an exploration on how Florence Nightingale might view some of the modern nursing concepts of today based on her renowned book. According to Legal Concepts in Nursing Practice (n.d.), malpractice or professional negligence refers to the legal consequences when a professional nurse does an unreasonable act given a situation or when she fails to do the rightful act given a situation. Nightingale constantly raised the importance of vigilance while nursing patients throughout her book. She is certainly against malpractice and negligence in treating patients and sees these acts as pure carelessness. For Nightingale, nurses should do anything possible to maintain a healthy environment for the patient including unpleasant chores. "If a nurse declines to do these kinds of things for her patient, "because it is not her business," I should say that nursing was not her calling" (Nightingale, 1860, pp. 22) This statement also gives emphasis on Nightingale's belief that professionalism must be among the basic attributes of a nurse especially since they are dealing with patient's health and lives. While technical skills and knowledge are substantial in the profession, the way they are utilized are just as important. Another nursing concept is abandonment, where nurses leave their assigned patients without prior notice. Nightingale is adamant that nurses should always be focused on the patient. "A careful nurse will keep a constant watch over her sick, especially weak, protracted and collapsed cases" (Nightingale, 1860, pp.17). Moreover, Nightingale says that if a nurse has to go for health or duty requirements then she must go and tell her patient so. "If you go without his knowing it, and he finds it out, he never will feel secure again that the things which depend upon you will be done when you are away, and in nine cases out of ten he will be right" (Nightingale, 1860, p. 39). With this not only are the nurses doing their duties responsibly but also with deference to their patients. For Nightingale a nurse's deference or respect to the sick is beneficial to its recovery and it manifests in how nurses deal with their patients. "The official politeness in these things are so grateful to invalids, that many prefer, without knowing why, having none but servants about them." (Nightingale, 1860, pp. 49). According to Code of Ethics for Nurses (n.d.), the concept of beneficence is the obligation to do well and not harm other people while nonmaleficence is the principle of preventing intentional harm. This coincides with Nightingale's belief that the patient shouldn't be harmed further given his circumstances and that nurses should be careful and observant when dealing with patients to avoid distress or worse, mishaps. According to Nightingale (1860), when nurses talk to their patients, "nurses should stay within the patient's view" so that patients won't have to feel the pain when turning their heads around. It is advisable that nurses be as motionless as they can when talking to them and position themselves in a way that is not wearisome to the patient. Nightingale (1860) also adds that it is not advisable to "meet or overtake a
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