Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Discrimination and Mobile Phones free essay sample
1. 1 List the aspects of employment covered by law Here is a list of the aspects of employment covered by law; The Disability Discrimination act The Discrimination Act The Sex Discrimination Act Human Rights of older people in healthcare Data Protection Act RIDDOR 1995 1. 2 List the main features of current employment legislation Here is a list of some of the main features of current employment legislation; The Employment Rights Act The Sex Discrimination Act 1975 The Equal Pay Act of 1970 The Race Relations Act 1976 The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 The National Minimum Wage Act 1998 The Working Time Directive 1999 The Employment Relations Act 1999 1. 3 Outline why legislation relating to employment exists These legislations protect workers; there safety and human rights in the work place. It protects there pay/sick pay, working conditions (safety standards) , maximum working hours, breaks, discrimination, bullying, ect. It also makes sure that everyone gets equal opportunities, 1. 4 Identify sources and types of information and advice available in relation to employment responsibilities and available in relation to employment responsibilities and rights There are many sources and types of information/advice regarding employment responsibilities and rights. A lot of these can be found within your work place, they are; Contract Handbook Policy Documents Terms and Conditions Job Description Ask your manager and they will be able to help you find these. There are also an abundance of sources and types externally, they are; Citizens Advice Bureau ACAS Access to Work Additional learning Support Lastly the internet is a good source of information, The best place being Gov. uk. Learning outcome 2 Understand agrees ways of working that protects own relationship with employer 2. 1 Describe the terms and conditions of own contract of employment Terms and conditions of own contract of employment include hours worked, pay rate, holiday entitlement, contribution of objectives of job role to care homes Key aims. Terms and conditions of employment, a statement and instructions of what my employers expect of me, also my job description. The employer expects staff to read and follow the policy and procedures that the home has, to attend all training, supervision and staff meetings. 2. 2 Describe the information shown on own pay statement The information on my pay statement is as follows; Employee My name Date The day I get paid Employer Arlington House Residential care home Department Staff N. I Number My National Insurance Number Tax Code How much I get paid before I pay tax Pay method The way in which I get paid Period What month I am paid in the tax year Year To Date Lists my total pay, N. I pay I have received or paid up to that date in the tax year Pay Basic pay the amount I have been paid before deductions Deductions Tax and I. N been paid Taxable Pay Money that attracts tax Non-Taxable Pay Money that cannot be taxed Total Pay Is taxable pay plus non-taxable pay Net Pay Is the amount of pay that will be placed into my account 2. 3 Describe the procedures to follow in event of a grievance In an event of a grievance you must speak to you manager about the problem you are having. If you are not satisfied that the issue has been dealt with you can make a formal grievance. To do this you would have to put your grievance in writing, meet with your employer to discuss the issue. If nothing can be resolved it could be passed to head office. 2. 4 Identify the personal information that must be kept up to date with own employer The personal information that needs to be kept up to date are; your name and address, contact details, emergency medical contact and any medical problems that may affect my work. This would include any holidays that you would be requesting off. 2. 5 Explain agreed ways of working with employer There are many ways of working that have been agreed to between carer and employer. This being how to meet data protection requirements, the right procedures to report a grievance, how to promote equality and diversity, how health and safety features are to be followed, procedures on conflict management, follow care plans and safeguarding policies. Learning outcome 3 Understand how own role fits within the wider context of the sector 3. 1 Explain how own role fits within the delivery of the service provider My role within the delivery of the service provider is; Getting to know clients, their interests and needs Helping clients with daily personal care such as; washing, dressing, using the toilet and feeding themselves Carrying out general tasks such as; laundry and bed making Accompanying clients to doctors or hospital appointments Helping clients with their daily activities Providing emotional and social support Liaising with family and health care providers 3. 2 Explain the effect of own role on service provision My own role effects the service provision as I make sure the clients have the best quality of life that is possible. I do this by following agreed standards and applying the principles of care. If I did not do this the client would become neglected and it would be a dereliction of duty. 3. 3 Describe how own role links to the wider sector I link with the wider sector by liaise with other agencies to provide seamless care, such as attending appointments with clients or carrying out treatment/therapy regimes set by professionals. 3. 4 Describe the main roles and responsibilities of representative bodies that influence the wider sector It is the main role of a District Nurse coming to a care home is to give medical support to a client, to monitor the quality of care a client is receiving, to offer help, advice and support. The main role of the Care Quality Commission within a care home setting is making sure the care service provided to clients is safe, effective, compassionate and to a high quality of care. They would also encourage making improvements. They would do this by making regular inspections. The main role a GP in a care home setting is to give medical treatment, asses clients medical needs and make sure the client is receiving the best quality of medical support. Learning Outcome 4 Understanding career pathways available within own and related sectors 4. 1 Explore different types of occupational opportunities There are a few occupational opportunities in the care sector, this being given the chance to do a NVQ qualifications that could lead to entry for nursing qualifications. Having a NVQ level 4 could lead you into a chance to do a Level 5 in Leadership for health and Social Care, giving you Managerial qualifications. 4. 2 Identify sources of information related to a chosen career pathway You can find information about a chosen career pathway in the health care sector by, talking to your manager, talking to a careers adviser at your local Jobcentre, looking on-line at web sites such as; National Careers Service or Gov. uk 4. 3 Identify next step in own career pathway After completing my Level 2 NVQ in Heath and Social Care I aim to do the next 2 Levels, working towards gaining Nurse training to work as a Health assistant (Nursing auxiliaries). Learning Outcome 5 Understanding how issues of public concern may affect the image and delivery of the service in the sector 5. 1 Identify occasions where the public have raised concerns regarding issues within sector Concerns have been raised by the public regarding mobile phones being used at improper times, where photographs have been taken and used inappropriately Concerns have been raised by the public a care home in Dorset. The person who raised the concerns reported very poor care to residents and had witnessed a resident being roughly handled and pushed against a wall, there are many reports similar to this that have made the public concerned about abuse in care homes. 5. 2 Outline different viewpoints around an issue of public concern relevant to the sector Some people feel that mobile phones should not be used by staff while on shift, that answering a mobile in unprofessional and is a disregard for the residence. Using mobile phones would take up an in proportionate amount of time. People feel the care giver would become distracted and harm would come to the resident, also pictures being taken could be used inappropriately. Many staff feel that they should be allowed to use their mobile phones while on shift for emergencies and to assist in their work. 5. 3 Describe how issues of public concern have altered public views of the sector The public concern on the use of mobile phones while staff are on duty have altered, as the public are more cautious of the carers looking after residence. They feel that there should be stricter guidelines and plenty for the miss use of mobiles, thus protecting the residence. 5. 4 Describe recent changes in service delivery which have affected own area of work My employer above public concern put in place a mobile phone policy, it states that staff are not allowed to used their mobile phones while on duty, exempting emergencies. There will be disciplinary action if found using one and instant dismissal if found taking a picture. The Department of Health have made available a grant for dementia homes, this grant has enabled the care home I work in to make modifications to help create an environment to help the residents with dementia reduce anxiety, distress and help people feel safe. My employer has done this by making the main recreational rooms in the home open plan so residence can always see staff. Reducing the chance of residents becomes distressed as they think there lost. My employers have also made the entire flooring one colour in the halls so the residents could distinguish these from their rooms, large photos of local scenes from the past to prompt people’s memories and making the decor calming colours.
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